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1mo ago

By using verbal irony, Anne is sarcastically suggesting that the combination of eating rotten potatoes with something else would be seen as delicious. By contrasting the unpleasant idea of eating rotten potatoes with the positive connotation of being delicious, Anne creates a humorous or satirical effect.

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Q: Anne uses verbal irony in the line with these you eat rotten potatoes so its a delicious combination to create?
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Related questions

Are rotten potatoes toxic to animals?

for the most they can be but it all depends on the animal but most of the time rotten or moldy food is not good for animals

Which would a Realist write about?

Rotten potatoes

How do you know if raw potatoes are rotten?

There is no mistaking a potato that is actually rotten. They will smell of ammonia and will be soft and watery.

Can you give me a sentence with the word those used as a pronoun?

Those potatoes are old and rotten

What happens with rotten potatoes?

Hi a rotten potato actually sprouts roots. The potato does not contain seeds therefore it need to keep going another way. All the little roots will grow out of the rotten potato and if you bury it then it will grow into a little tree with a new potato!

Can black mold on rotten boiled potatoes stored at room temperature for three weeks be harmful?

Absolutely, black mold is harmful, throw it away.

Why should you see the expiry date before consuming?

because you might get sick from it. the food might be rotten after the expiry date and also, it wuldnt be as delicious as the taste before the expiry date

How can you tell if a sweet potato is bad?

It would be rotten, maybe Black and smushy.

What way did Incans preserve potatoes?

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but i just found this article and thought I would pass it on. The Andean peoples have an ancient method of preserving potatoes for up to several years: First they lay the potatoes out on the ground over night to freeze them, and then in the morning, they trample the potatoes with their feet and leave them exposed to the intense warmth of the sun. This process (repeated three times) drives the moisture out of the potatoes, enabling them to be kept for longer before going rotten. It is a primitive method of freeze-drying.

What is a sentence using the word rotten?

It was a rotten way to end what had been a rotten day. The fruit was rotten. The word rotten can be used as an adjective or an adverb.

What did the Irish eat during the great potato famine?

Nettles Rats Chickenweed Seaweed Birds Birds eggs Blood of Cattle Rotten Potatoes Hope that helped Check

What is the adverb in I almost ate a rotten apple?

the adverb is rotten :D