

Anorexia is or is not genetic?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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14y ago

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It can be.

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Q: Anorexia is or is not genetic?
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Can anorexia and bulimic be genetic in your family?

Not always. However research shows that you are a lot more likely to develop anorexia/bulimia if a family member is or was a sufferer.

What does genetics have to do with anorexia?

It is considered that anorexia can sometimes have a genetic link. If a person (particularly a girl) has a diret biological family member, then it is possible that they might have a slightly higher risk of developing anorexia or other eating disorders.

Is bulimia genetic?

yes, it's a mental & emotional disorder with physical symptoms. anorexia is also genetic, though the 2 are NOT the same & are very different, they are related.

Could anorexia be generic?

Some studies do believe that anorexia may have a genetic link factor to it, but more tests and studeis need to be done before this can be accepted as a real and official diagnosis or cause of the disorder.

Can anorexia be passed down?

Some studies do believe that anorexia may have a genetic link factor to it, but more tests and studeis need to be done before this can be accepted as a real and official diagnosis or cause of the disorder.

What is the scientific name for Anorexia?

The scientific name for anorexia nervosa is Anorexia nervosa.

Why professionals think anorexia develops?

Professionals believe that the cause of anorexia is broad, and the disease can develop or stem from a number of problems. Most commonly, anorexia is believed to develop from mental problems, like depression, BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), and now-self esteem. Anorexia can commonly happen as a reault of a simple, common diet that becomes excessive and too extreme. Some believe that anorexia might have a genetic link to it, as individuals with a mother who was anorexic have been seen to be more likely to develop an eating disorder, too. Some think that social factors, like media, can cause anorexia, but that is highy disputed.

Why do diabetics with anorexia get retinopathy?

A diabetic with anorexia is no more likely to suffer from reinoptahy than a diabetic who is not anorexic. Retinopathy is a non-inflamitory damage to the retina of the eye. Diabetes is a prominent cause of it, along with genetic factors like being born pre-mature or having sickel-cell disease.

Does naomi campell have anorexia?

No she does not have anorexia.

How do you spell anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia is the correct spelling.

What is the difference between the names anorexia nervosa and anorexia?

It is just a shorter version of the full name. Anorexia is short for Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, Anorexia Nervosa is commonly referred to as Anorexia. (As is Bulimia. Bulimia is short for Bulimia Nervosa.)

How can anorexia cause stravation?

Anorexia is starvation..