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Q: Anteriorly protruding eyes associated with hyperthyroidism is called what?
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Anteriorly protruding eyes associated with hyperthyroidism is called?

The protruding eyes associated with Graves' Disease hyperthyroidism is called Exophthalmos.

Is moving a body part anteriorly called retraction?


Overactivity of the thyroid gland is referred to as?

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) is a condition in which your thyroid glandproduces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Hyperthyroidism can accelerate your body's metabolism significantly. It causes what is called Grave's Disease.

What is a protruding chin called?

A protruding chin is commonly referred to as a "strong" or "pointed" chin. It can also be described as a "prominent" or "undershot" chin.

If Production of too much thyroxine leads to a condition called?


What is it called when you can see the bone protruding from the wound?

An open compound fracture.

What is an organ or tissue protruding through a muscle wall is called?

a hernea

What is the anterior bone of the shoulder girdle?

The hipbones are united anteriorly at a joint called the pelvic symphysis

What type of fracture has bone protruding out?

Compound Fracture

What type of patient has an open wound and bone is protruding?

It is called a compound or open fracture.

What is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism?

Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are two that I know of. Grave's tends to have a steady stream of hyperthyroid symptoms while in Hashimoto's tyroiditis it might start out hyperthyroid and as the antibodies attack it will eventually dwindle down to hypothyroidism. Somtimes there will be bursts of hyperthyroid behavior as the thryoid gland is destroyed by antibodies in Hashimoto's thryoiditis.

What is a broken bone protruding called?

When the fractured bone protrudes from the skin, this is known as a compound fracture.