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An open compound fracture.

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Q: What is it called when you can see the bone protruding from the wound?
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Can you give a sentence using protruding?

Something that is protruding is something that is projecting outward. Swelling and extending are two similar words to protruding. "When I noticed the bump protruding from my body I decided to go see a doctor."

What could cause a yeast colored protruding rash in and around a male rectum which is not improving?

That would be called the "See your doctor immediately" rash.

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What should you do for an open fracture to the upper arm?

If you have an open fracture, do not attempt to move the bone and do not touch any protruding skin, muscle, etc. You need to see a doctor immediately! If a Doctor is not in the area, and you cannot see a doctor in the near future, depending on how bad the open fracture is, you may need to attempt to replace the bone. If it is protruding more than 3 inches from the skin, or just peaking out a little bit, try your best not to move it. if it is out pretty far, see if it will go down. DO NOT FORCE IT! If you can see a doctor, just bandage the arm, and try to keep it clean. Do not be afraid to use antiseptic, such as alcohol! MORAL: SEE A DOCTOR!

What is a sentence for wound?

The wound was very deep. Wound spread quickly and infested.

How do you check if you have hemorrhoid at home?

You can check to see if you have hemorrhoids at home by feeling if they are protruding from the anus.

How do you know if a stinger is inside of you?

You will see it protruding from your skin so you should remove it as soon as possible.

What is a bone protruding from an arm called?

dont move the bone or try to put it back. Use the acronym RED (rest, elevate, direct pressure) wrap the arm in a bandage to stop the bleeding taking care not to apply pressure directly on the exposed bone (many methods can be used such as the doughnut, log cabin method or using a stirafoam cup depending on the situation most of the time you will just have to wrap around the exposed bone then either transport the victim to the ER or call EMS

What do you do if a wound will not heal?

See a doctor immediately!!

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You can see bone in your mouth?

Teeth are bone, technically.

If a turtle is injured what do you do?

See a vet or use typical first aid. Stop any bleeding, disinfect the wound, and bind it. If the injury is a broken bone, then you probably shouldn't deal with it yourself. Take your turtle to a vet instead.