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primarily B antibodies and Rh antibodies

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Q: Antibodies found in blood type A positive?
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What is the difference between blood type O and O positive?

Blood Type O has no Anti Rh factors. O+ blood is positive for Rh Antibodies.

What is Rh sensitization?

A woman with a negative blood type (Rh negative) who has produced antibodies against her fetus with a positive blood type (Rh positive)

The one blood type that could be used without danger of antibodies clumping its red blood cells is?

O positive.

What is Blood Type B negative for antibodies?

What is Blood Type B+ Negative for antibodies

What kind of antibodies are found in 0 negative blood?

Type O negative blood has antibodies against both A and B type blood. This means that you can give blood to any type of blood (A, B, O) but can only receive your exact blood type. Type O negative is one of the most rare types, and is known as the "universal donor".

A person with type A blood has antibodies to?

Type A blood will produce antibodies against B antigens.

does a person with type a blood have antibodies?

A - blood type

What kind of antibodies does type AB have?

Since that person has anti-B antibodies, then A antigens are present in her red blood cells. Since that person doesnt have anti-A antibodies, then there are no B antigens present, which means the person has A type blood.

What does having blood which types as B positive mean?

Blood type B positive means that you have anti-A antibodies, B-antigens, and an Rh factor that is positive. As a B+, you can receive blood from people with blood types O postive, O negative, B positive, and B negative, however a B+ blood type can only donate to a person with B+ and AB+ blood type.

Why antibody is absent in ab blood group?

AB blood does not have any A or B antibodies. If it did, then the antibodies would bind to the A and B antigens found on its own blood cells and clot. A person with this blood type can still have antibodies (such as antibodies to the Rh factor). AB blood types are considered "universal acceptors" because they can take any blood type in a transfusion, provided the Rh factor is the same.

What prevents your body from accepting transfusions of certain types of blood?

Antibodies. They are designed to resist, or fight, specific types of antigens. Type AB has no antibodies, which is why they can receive any type of blood. Type A has B antibodies, which means it will fight type B blood as well as type AB. Type B has A antibodies, which means it will fight type A blood, as well as type AB. Type O has A and B antibodies, which is why it can only receive type O blood.

Individuals with type ab are blood recipient can you tell why?

1-Type A ... which has antibodies : B ... and Antigene : A2-Type B ... which has antibodies : A ... and Antigen : B3-Type AB . which has No antibodies ... and has Antigen : A and B4-Type O .. which has antibodies : A and B ... and has No Antigensfrom this information's, you can notice that AB blood type doesn't have Antibodies that's why it accept all types during blood transfusion, when there is no antibodies this means that the body will not consider the other blood types as foreigners.