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sea squirt

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Q: Any minute primitive marine animal with a saclike body with openings through which water enters and leaves?
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Any minute primitive marine animal with sacklike body with openings through which water enters and leaves?

The answer is "sea squirts".

Any minute primitive marine animal with a saclikebody with openings from which water enters and leaves?

try Sea Squirt

What organism has a saclike digestive system?

Parasites such as tapeworm, planarian and live fluke have digestive systems that are saclike. Their digestive tracts have one opening and they live inside a host animal.

What saclike structure is found in both animal and plant cells?

VacuoleThe saclike storage structure found in both animal and plant cells is the vacuole. A vacuole is a membrane enclosed structure that is filled with water containing various dissolved substances.

What saclike storage structure is found in both plant and animal cells?

VacuoleThe saclike storage structure found in both animal and plant cells is the vacuole. A vacuole is a membrane enclosed structure that is filled with water containing various dissolved substances.

What is an archipterygium?

An archipterygium is a primitive fan on an animal.

Which area of the human brain is most similar to that of primitive animals?

the human brainstem is the mos similar to that primitive animal

What is a primitive animal?

A primitive animal is a type of organism that is considered to be simple in structure and function compared to more complex organisms. These animals often exhibit features that are similar to ancestral forms, reflecting an earlier stage of evolution. Examples of primitive animals include sponges and jellyfish.

Is an amoeba a plant or animal like protist?

Animal-like protists

Is an amoeba animal like protist or plant like protist?

Animal like protist. Protozoa means primitive animal.

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During gastrulation, two openings form in most animals. If the first opening becomes the mouth, the animal is a

Saclike oranelles that store materials?

Sack like organelles that store materials in a cell are called vacuoles. Vacuoles tend to be larger in plant cells then in animal cells.