

Application of linked list

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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what are the main applications of double linked list?

1. Applications that have an MRU list (a linked list of file names)

2. The cache in your browser that allows you to hit the BACK button (a linked list of URLs)

3. Undo functionality in Photoshop or Word (a linked list of state)

4. A stack, hash table, and binary tree can be implemented using a doubly linked list.

5. A great way to represent a deck of cards in a game.

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11y ago

Doubly linked lists are collections of "nodes", sometimes referred to conceptually as "chains". Each node contains a link (pointer) to the previous and next items as well as data pertaining to that node.

The main advantage of a linked list is that an item can be added to or removed from anywhere in the chain, even the middle. With a regular array, adding or removing an item to or from the middle means having to move the rest of the array in memory, which can be slower for large lists.

There are a wide variety of applications which use doubly linked lists:

  1. Applications that have a "Most Recently Used" list of files;
  2. Browser caches that allow you to navigate to the previous page, or navigate through the recent history (sometimes by right-clicking the back or forward button);
  3. Undo features in publishing or editing applications like Photoshop and Word;
  4. Any applications which require removing items from anywhere in a list, such as decks of cards;
  5. Binary trees or applications which must sort large collections of nodes.

Sometimes programmers will implement stacks or hash tables using doubly linked lists. Stacks are best employed using dynamic arrays, however, since memory doesn't need to be shifted around; using arrays instead of linked lists decreases memory usage and requires fewer malloc()/free() calls. Also, unless the heap's been severely fragmented, realloc() does not move data around when resizing arrays.

Hash tables are unlikely to require inserting nodes into the middle or top of the list, so the only advantage to using linked lists for hash tables is if items are to be deleted from the middle of the list. Otherwise, dynamic arrays are suitable.

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9y ago

The main Applications of Linked Lists are

* For representing Polynimials

* In Dynamic Memory Management

*In Symbol Tables

* Representing Sparse Matrix

4m Sai....

The main Applications of Linked Lists are

* For representing polynomials

It means in addition/subtraction /multiplication.. of two polynomials.

Eg:p1=2x^2+3x+7 and p2=3x^3+5x+2


* In Dynamic Memory Management

In allocation and releasing memory at runtime.

*In Symbol Tables

in Balancing parentheses

* Representing Sparse Matrix

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12y ago

Memory management.......that is split and fullup the block..

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applications of linked list

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Answersingly linked list has the node inserted only at one end. and the pointer corresponds to the next pointer.but in a doubly linked list, the node pointer points to the both previous and the next node.singly linked list has two nodesdoubly linked list has three nodesA doubly linked list makes sense when you need to traverse the list in both directions. You aren't able to do that with a singly linked list.

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