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Applications of Series Circuits

The first thing that comes to mind is Christmas tree lights. Remove one lamp and the whole string goes out. If it does, that's a series circuit.

Alarm systems can use series circuits in window detector switches. Open a window and the alarm goes off. A very important application for series circuits are the fuses or breakers that protect wiring from over-current. When the current gets too high the fuse melts or the breaker pops, opening the series circuit.

Another example is a flashlight, it is a series circuit containing one or more batteries, a on/off switch, and a lightbulb.

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Some of these applications would include the chip inside a computer. You can also find it in a flashlight.

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Q: Applications of series and parallel connections?
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Current travels in loops. In series you have one loop, or path for current to take. With parallel connections, there's at least two. This is why current divides in parallel and not in series.

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What is the opposite of series?

The term "series" (a set of values or events) does not have a direct opposite, except possibly the phrase "isolated instance" which is a single occurrence. In electrical circuits, "parallel" can be considered the opposite (different) way of wiring a circuit, with series being consecutive connections while parallel connections are simultaneous and separate.

You want to take 25ams output you are having 16 Nos of 12V 8Ah batteries do you have to connect batteries in series of parallel connection?

Parallel or Series Connections for BatteriesTo increase current [measured in Amperes], you connect batteries in parallel. To increase voltage, you connect batteries in series.

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Yes. There are also more complicated circuits, that can't be described ONLY as a combination of series and parallel circuits - basically, circuits that contain several loops.

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yes two resistors can connect both in series and parallel because when you connect two resistors in a closed loop, the same intensity of current flows across them and also they are connected to the same nodes which are the conditions for series and parallel connections respectively.

What are the two kinds of electrical circuit?

There are four types of circuit: series, parallel, series-parallel, and complex.