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You would have to go in front of a judge. You would be placed in a child's home, foster care, etc. You can request emancipation, though.

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Q: Are 17 yr olds allowed to leave an emotionally abusive home in Florida?
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What do you do when your boyfriend is emotionally abusive yet shows love for you like caring for your welfare?

Don't be an idiot. Leave. Now.

Should my emotionally abusive mother be allowed to see my daguhter She has caused a lot of problems in the past ie. telling my 7-year-old that she is going to leave and will never see her again?

No, don't! Your mother may cause problems again...

If you think you are being emotionally abused and can support yourself and have another place to live in Florida could you move out without being emancipated in Maryland?

* If you are a minor no. If you are a minor and feel you are abused then report it to Child Aid or to a relative; minister; priest or counselor at school. If you aren't a minor then yes, you can leave your abusive situation.

Should you try to work on an emotionally abusive relationship when it becomes long-distance if he swears he will change?

An abusive man never really changes unless there is a traumatic condition or possibly therapy, but even that will often not help. Just leave. Use the "long distance" to get away.

What type of woman does an emotionally abusive man seek?

An abusive man (emotional,physical, etc.) will seek insecure woman.Woman who are not independant. Someone to take care of their needs.And that is it, someone to satisfy their needs. An abusive man can not change, a woman can not change him. He has to change himself. He had to do it all alone, if he really wants to recover.I really wish all the ladies in abusive relationships strength. That is what they need to leave.

Why can't people leave abusive relationship's?

People can't leave them because the person who is abusive to you will not let you go anywhere.

How do you move beyond being upset that your abusive boyfriend will cheat if you leave him?

If you leave him, then it doesn't matter what he does. It wouldn't be called cheating if you left him. If he is abusive, then you should leave him.

How do you deal with an abusive husband?

If you can leave him - do it now.

How do abusive men trick their spouse to not leave them?

They isolate them from family and friends so that they think they don't have anyone to turn for help. They make them feel that they can't survive without them. They threaten them or someone they love if the spouse makes an effort to leave. They emotionally blackmail them by threatening suicide. They promise to change.

Will your verbally emotionally and sometimes physically abusive husband ever change?

Sure, he's likely to get worse. Things won't get better unless you make it happen. Either leave him or make him go with you for marriage counseling. See where it goes from there.

Is there any assistance out there to help someone get out of bad relationship like assisting with finances to leave?

There are places that are specifically to help women leave abusive men. I live in upstate New York and there is a place called Cornerstone Manor. It is a stepping stone safe home to help women and their children get on their feet so they can support themselves financially and emotionally. If you are involved in an abusive relationship, please don't hesitate to leave. I thank God that He gave me the strength to get out of one a long time ago. You are far too precious to allow anyone to hurt you, whether it be mentally, physically or emotionally. I pray you find your answer. God bless, Cathy