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This question would probably be best put to your own religious beliefs. This is not an actual Yes or No question since each person has their own religious, scientific or theological beliefs on the origin of the homosapien.

Christians believe we are ALL God's children. And yes, this question calls for an opinion.

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12y ago

No they were not children. we can say they missed their childhood. as god created both of them as adults.

Another Perspective

In the story of Adam and Eve they are like children because they have been placed in a safe environment where all their needs are met and everything is happy. However, to maintain the happy status they must obey their father and not eat any fruit from the perfectly beautiful and bountiful tree of knowledge. There are different interpretations of what knowledge would be gained from said tree: carnal knowledge or the condition of knowing about the world and their potential as free agents.

The story continues to treat Adam and Eve as children when Eve exhibits her strength by eating of the fruit and then offering some to Adam. It can be surmised that he is too weak in character to refuse. Eve and her "race" of women are condemned for all eternity and both are banished from the perfect, happy garden.

It is a childish story, written by childish authors, thinly disguised but intended to place women in a negative light and thus justify male domination. Of course, its authors failed to notice its negative connotations of the weakness of men via the innocent male victim aspect.

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Q: Are Adam and Eve god's children?
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