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Yes and No. The only big difference is the procedures used in harvesting adult stem cells is considered legal and safe. There's no need to kill a human embryo. Adult stem cells can be harvested from cord blood or human bone marrow. But embryonic stem cells are able to make more kinds of cells than adult stem cells.

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Q: Are Adult stem cells as useful as Embrionic stem cells?
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What makes embryonic stem useful for medicine?

They can become more cells than adult stem cells can.

What makes embryoic stem cells useful for medicine?

They can differentiate into more cells than adult stem cells can.

What makes embryonic stem cells useful for medecine?

they can differentiate into more cells than adult stem cells can.

What makes embryonic stem cell useful for medication?

they can differentiate into more cells that adult stem cells can

Why are embryonic stem cells useful for medicine?

they are pluripotent|APEX|They can become more cells than adult stem cells can.

Why are embryonic stem useful for medicine?

they are pluripotent|APEX|They can become more cells than adult stem cells can.

What makes embryonic stem cells useful for medicine?

They can differentiate into more cells than adult stem cells can.they are pluripotent

Why is there such a controversy on stem cell therapy?

The controversy isn't over stem cell therapy, it is over embrionic stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy usually refers to stem cells extracted from the patients own body. Embrionic stem cells are extracted from dead fetuses. Those opposed to embrionic stem cell therapies are worried that it will lead to 'fetus farms', where eggs are fertilized until a fetus is formed, then the fetus is killed to harvest the stem cells. It is an offshoot of the abortion controversy in which the pro-life side largely believes that life begins at conception (egg fertilization). The controversy around stem cell therapy lies in the research in embryonic stem cells. Some people believe that the start of the embryonic stage is when a human being begins and is therefore unethical to destroy this for the stem cells as it is supposedly akin to murder.

Are fetal cells only source of stem cells?

There are 2 type of stem cells * embryonic stem cells * and adult stem cells fetal stem cells are grouped into the adult stem cell category

What is the primary role of the undifferentiated cells?

Adult stem cells

Is there a difference between the stem cell debate and the embryonic stem cell debate?

Yes. Embryonic stem cells are controversial due to the destruction needed of a fetus. The debate over this is whether the unborn child has a right to life. (Embyonic stem cell debate). However, there are adult stem cells that come from adults. Scientists have been able to get these adult stem to replicate embryonic stem cell properties, and depending on who you ask, the adult stem cells have proven more useful than embryonic stem cells. Since adult stem cells do not destroy anybody, there is nearly non-existant debate with this.

How are adult stem cells better then embryonic stem cells?

They are not better, embryonic stem cells can become more types then adult.