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Q: Are All frozen yogurts are made with real yogurt that contains probiotics live and active cultures?
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Are there active cultures in Great Value brand yogurt?

The great value brand from Walmart has no information on live active cultures

Does frozen yogurt contain probiotics?

No. Frozen yogurt does not contain the active cultures (probotics) that non frozen yogurt has. If it has acidophilus listed in the ingredients, or if it lists live active cultures, then it has probiotics. But this is only in yogurt in the refrigerated dairy section, not the frozen kind.

Does freezing yogurt kill the live cultures?

Yes and no. Not all yogurts are created equal. Freezing yogurt does not destroy the cultures. Frozen yogurt with the Live and Active Cultures (LAC) seal will have at least 10 million live and active cultures per gram of yogurt at the time of manufacture. However, the LAC seal program is voluntary, so some frozen yogurts without the seal may also contain active cultures.

Why shouldn't people eat Dannon Activia yogurt and what are its negative factors?

Activia has active bacterial cultures so people with extreme immunodeficiencies should not eat it. The vast majority of us have no reason to not eat it. However, it is marketed as having more of the active cultures than other yogurts. In truth, most probiotic pills have 100-1000 times the colony counts and so people who really think they need more probiotics would be better off with a supplement.

Does McDonald's yogurt parfait contain active cultures?

According to the source in the Related Links, McDonald's uses a Grade A low-fat milk in their yogurt that contains active cultures.

What household item contains good bacteria?

Yoghurt contains active bacteria cultures which are of no harm to humans these are normally from the yoghurt making process. However pro biotic yoghurts have a wider range of bacterial cultures which may aid the digestive system.

Is there scientific evidence to support the claim that eating yogurt can improve digestive health?

Unfortunately, many of the store brand or mass market brands of yoghurt are processed such a way that the active cultures are killed. Make sure that whatever brand you buy contains these active cultures, which are what aid the digestive process, and you'll be fine.

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This mountain contains the only active volcano on mainland Europe.

What organisms grow in yogurt?

The term "live and active cultures" on a yogurt label refers to Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermaophilus, living organisms used to ferment pasteurized milk into yogurt (some yogurts also contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus and other cultures). These tiny critters break down milk lactose, giving the lactose-intolerant among us a better chance of getting the nutritional benefits of a milk product without suffering the side effects.

Is there any difference between yogurt with active cultures and Dannon's Activia yogurt with dettol?

No, there are very few differences among the dozens of types of lactobacillus subspecies used in most commercial yogurts. These manufacturers commonly make minor changes to a specific strain of bacteria in order to legally trademark and strategically re-name a product to make it appear unique and more beneficial. The only thing you need to look for is a statement claiming that "live" active cultures are used as most products do. Note: yogurt products as bars, yogurt-covered pretzels, etc are of no additional nutritional value beyond that of their base product.

What ingredients is yogurt made out of?

Milk and active cultures. Cultures include Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Other ingredients can be sweeteners, flavoring, cream, fruit, etc.

Does the birth control yaz contain all active pills?

No, Yaz contains a mixture of active and placebo pills.