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Neither. American Indians were alive and flourishing thousands of years before.

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Q: Are American Indians descended from Shem Ham or Japheth?
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Are the Japanese descended from Shem Ham or Japheth?

Possibly Shem , Japheth. because they have many tradition that very similar to Jewish's tradition and a lot of words! But they could descended from japheth too , the DNA test found that they have a liitle caucasian blood.

What people descended from shem?

No, they are descended from Japheth, patriarch of the Caucasian races of Europe.

How did Noah bless Shem and Japheth?

Gen:9,26 &27 made Canaan slaves to Shem & Japheth

Who are Indians descended from according to the Bible?

The Bible does not mentions Indians. It does however, provide (in Gen 10-11) the 'Table of Nations' from which all people on the Earth today are descended. The table starts with Noah (after the flood) and his three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. This list deals with any real specificity on only those people in and around Israel. If you assume that Indians are a mix of the Arab people and Africans, you would then conclude that Indians are descended from Shem and Ham. However, since you can not make these assumptions with any real clarity, this would only be a guess.

Why is the Aryan transition considered controversial?

A group which differentiates relatives of Shem, Ham and Japheth. Although made of relatives of Shem and Japheth, which is where aryans derive.

Which biblical character is considered to be the father of the arabs Ham Shem Japheth Enoch?


How does hem noah's son affect today?

The story of Ham, Noah's son, is sometimes used to justify racism and discrimination. It is important to remember that interpretations of religious texts can vary and should not be used to support prejudice or discriminatory behavior.

Who were the three sons of Noah?

The three sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. They were believed to be the ancestors of all the different nations and peoples in the world.

Which person from the bible named his sons Ham Shem and Japheth?

they are the sons of noah:

Who was the biblical brother of Ham and Shem?

The biblical brother of Ham and Shem was Japheth. They were the sons of Noah, who were said to be the ancestors of the three main races of humanity according to the Bible.

Who was the father of Ham Shem and Japheth in the Bible?

Noah. Genesis 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:10 And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

How many humans entered the ark?

1) Noah's wife (no name) 2) Shem, Noah's son 3) Shem's wife (no name) 4) Ham, Noah's son 5) Ham's wife (no name) 6) Japheth, Noah's son 7) Japheth's wife (no name)