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Q: Are California giant millipedes poisonous
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Are giant African millipedes legal in California?

I doubt it, as pretty much nothing is legal in California. Although a quick search did find an apparently big-time breeder of them in the state.

What weird animals live in the desert?

Bats and poisonous centipedes or millipedes.

Are orange and black millipedes piousness?

Black millipedes with orange stripes are not poisonous. These insects are often found in people's homes but post no threat.

Will your dog be okay if he ate several small garden millipedes that were in his food?

Depends on if there are any poisonous millipedes around where you're at, but probably the dog will be perfectly fine.

Do millipedes crawl into skin?

Millipedes do not crawl into skin. Millipedes are more likely not to even bite. You might be thinking of centipedes but either will not crawl under skin. Centipedes though are poisonous to certain levels and are able to bite.

How long do giant millipedes live?

Giant millipedes live up to 5 years no longer than that sometimes they live 1 year more.

Do giants millipedes hibernate?

In Africa, where giant millipedes originated, there is no summer or winter. The seasons are the wet season and the dry season. The giant millipede "hibernates" during most of the dry season and emerges with the rains which come around January.

Can giant millipedes and hissing cockroaches live together?

No they can't because the habbitat will over populate because a cockroach can have up to 1000000000 babies and same with millipedes

What are some examples of millipedes?

Some examples of millipedes are:Narceus americanus - the American giant millipedeAnadenobolus monilicornis - the yellow-banded millipedeTrigoniulus corallinus - the rusty millipede

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What is the order of a millipede?

Millipedes are a class, not an order. The class Diplopoda (millipedes) has 15 different orders. The Giant African Millipede for example is in the order Julida. The Common American Millipede is in the order Spirobolida. Millipedes are a class, not an order. The class Diplopoda (millipedes) has 15 different orders. The Giant African Millipede for example is in the order Julida. The Common American Millipede is in the order Spirobolida.

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