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Q: Are Carbohydrates the basic structural material of the body?
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Related questions

Is the heart basic structural unit of the body?

No. The basic structural unit of the body and all living things is the cell.

What 2 ways your body uses carbohydrates?

The human body uses carbohydrates as a way to fuel itself. It also uses carbohydrates as a way of structural support.

What is the function of the carbonhydrate?

The Carbohydrates function in the body is the storage, and transport of energy and structural components. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel for energy.

What is an fact about carbohydrates?

carbohydrates are formed from sugar and provide the body with building material and enrgy.

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What is the basic structural of the body?

Cell is the most basic structural of the body.Cell is the building block of the life. all the living organism are made of one or more unit's called cell.

The nutrients which serve as the main sources of energy for the body are?

The nutrients that serve as the main sources of energy for the body are carbohydrates. The body uses the carbohydrates to make glucose which is the basic functional molecule of energy in cells.

What are carbohydrates used for in the body?

One of the main jobs of carbohydrates is to provide fuel for the body to do its job. So if we want to run or walk somewhere or play sports or even work -- all of those activities use carbohydrates. It is our main energy source and helps the body maintain energy.

What is the role protein in energy production?

Proteins are used to replace the material of which the body is constructed.Energy to operate the body comes from carbohydrates.

What is the basic unit of life and Why do you think so?

cells are basic structural and functional unit of life as they control all the movements in our body.

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What are the structural unit of human body?

The basic structural unit of the human body is the cells. Cells aggregate to form tissues, tissues aggregate to form organs, organs together form the organ systems which make the body.