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That is a tough question. I would say that they are sinning because they are gay. Take a Bible and read the following: 1 Corinthians 6:13,18. This doesn't mean you could be forgiven. Read 1 Corinthians 6:11. God loves you and wants a relationship with you. May God bless you and a pray that you will seek a relationship with Him someday.

AnswerYes, without question. There are many Christians who are gay. They are gay because God made them that way, and, if God made us in his own image, then he will love those who are gay as much as those who are straight, in the same way that he loves men and women, black and white rich and poor. Being gay is not an 'illness' that can be cured, nor a deliberate act of rejection of God. It is no more a sin than being black or white, or having fair hair or dark hair.

Jesus accepted everyone. There is absolutely nothing in scripture which states that homosexuality, as we would know it, as a loving relationship between the same sex, is sinful.

Many who are prejudiced against homosexuals cite scripture as proof that homosexuality is wrong. However, their interpretation is based on a shallow understanding of what the scripture actually says.

There are only three main references in scripture regarding what some consider are against homosexuality.

You have to look at the verses in context to see what they actually say.

First, the Levitical Law (Lev 18:22) condemned 'lying with a man as with a woman' as in those days it was imperative that the Jewish nation should increase in number, and any form of sex that went against God's rule for Noah (..."go forth and multiply"...) was frowned upon. However, these Laws were written for a particular people at a particular moment of time, and were never meant to be God's Law for all time. If this were so, then Christians would not eat pork nor shellfish, all Christian men would be circumcised, not wear two sorts of cloth at the same time, and stone adulterers! So clearly we can dismiss the Leviticus reference out of hand.

As for the reference in 1 Corinthians, again we have to look at the context. Corinth in those days was a hotbed of sex, debauchery, paganism and crime, where anything went, sexually, spiritually and morally. And in the midst of all that was a small Christian church that was having difficulties that Paul was addressing n his two letters to the church there. Among these problems was the fact that some of the Church professed to be Christian but still engaged in pagan rituals. Reading in context it is clear that it was this Paul was speaking out against rather than a loving committed homosexual relationship. In the verses from Corinthians the English translates as 'homosexual offenders', or 'fornicators', but the original Greek Paul used, the word was <arsenokoi> or 'homosexual pagan temple prostitutes'. Some of the Christians saw nothing wrong in visiting these and yet remaining Christian. It was against the arsenokoi that Paul was protesting and he was more concerned with paganism than homosexuality.

So again we can dismiss this reference.

There are similar incidences (eg in Romans) where some claim that Paul was speaking out against homosexuals as we would know them today, but again looking at the context and the original Greek nothing is further from the truth.

Christ himself had nothing to say on the matter. And those who cherry-pick scripture to somehow 'prove' that The Bible says homosexuals are evil are either plain wrong, or are using their version of scripture to somehow lend credence to their own prejudices.

If you are asking this question because you are considering becoming a Christian but are also gay then may God bless you in your journey with Christ.

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13y ago
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11y ago

It depends what you mean.

Jesus himself never mentioned homosexuality.

The book of Leviticus strongly advocates harsh penalties for homosexuality. However, most Christians (and indeed many Jews) do not follow all of the rules given in Leviticus to the letter. For instance, Leviticus also condemns the eating of seafood or pork products. You will see very few Christian fundamentalist groups protesting the eating of seafood.

Paul implied that being gay was a punishment for wicked behaviour. Believe him or don't, but there's no evidence that he even met Jesus.

How much of the Bible you believe is up to you. Remember that there are many contradictions between books, and some books have been removed from the Bible altogether.

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15y ago

I've extensively researched this question!! Most Christian denominations oppose homosexuality except:

The Metropolitan Community Church

The United Church of Christ

The Episcopal Church, USA

The Disciples of Christ (there may be some variance in congregations on this)

The Unity Church

Some churches make all their decisions at the congregation/local level and may or may not accept gays--for example, the Baptist church.

Please! If there are more, please post to this site!

Individual Christians believe all sorts of ways...

There are arguments--1) (against) There are many biblical quotes that say that homosexuality is evil or that homosexuals should be put to death (just as adulterers were once put to death) or 2)(for)"Because all of you are one in the Messiah Jesus, a person is no longer a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free person, a male or a female."--Galatians 3:28, International Standard Version

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12y ago

No. It is an abomination before God. In the bible God created man to be with woman. Simple truth


Another AnswerIt depends on the denomination as to if homosexuality is considered a sin or not.

For example, Anglicans and Old Catholics (Ultrajectines) consider homosexuality to be part of the grand diversity of God's design, human understanding of why need not apply, and thus perfectly natural. A homosexual in these churches would be no different than any other Christian.

Edit for clarity and to demonstrate ease of argument for alternate interpretation given next answer below-

Some Christians actually point to a particular sermon in which Jesus makes mention of "Not forcing men who have no interest in women to marry them"-- This would mean that Jesus himself considered it a sin to try to "ungay" homosexuals by forcing them to act straight.

"Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it was given. For some are eunuch because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it." (Matthew, 19-12)

This is a statement about marriage to women that includes renouncing it for the Kingdom, but also says there are two other viable exclusions--- to be made a eunuch (being castrated or otherwise having one's sexual organs butchered) or to be born a eunuch. The born eunuchs are described with a word that often means homosexual in antiquity. In Jewish writings "born eunuchs" are described to "sigh and groan with displeasure" when forced to embrace a woman. In Apelusius' Golden Ass, they are described as taking pleasure with other men. Further, Clement of Alexandria (in commentary on Matthew 19) says: "Some men, from their birth, have a natural sense of repulsion from a woman; and those who are naturally so constituted do well not to marry."

The Bible condemns lust in all of its forms. Lust is 'seeking unrestrained gratification' or 'excessive sexual desire' (look it up, common theological definition available everywhere). Not sexual desire at all, but excessive sexual desire. Homosexuality neither implies "unrestrained gratification" or "excessive sexual desire". It is simply a different type of desire than heterosexual. Homosexuals are fully capable of being modest, monogamous and acting solely out of love for their partners-- just as any heterosexual couple can. You do not spend your life doing someone's laundry, comforting their hurts, staying up with them when they are sick, giving up things for their benefit, suffering injustice and pain with them because you lust after them. All those things are the sacrifices made by a heart that loves. Lust would simply move on easier pickings as it is by nature excessive, unrestrained and selfish.

Unfortunately many other Christian environments (such as the Southern Baptists, Church of Christ and Roman Catholics) are more oppressive for their GLBTIAQ brethren. You can see evidence of this in the first answer above. They tend to be the loudest and most violent opponents of gay rights in America.

Another AnswerThe Bible is quite clear that men can have warm and committed relationships to one another: David and Jonathan is the most obvious example. Yet there is nothing to indicate that their relationship had a sexual edge to it.

Indeed, the Bible does not endorse sexual relationships between men, just as it does not endorse adultery between men and women. Jesus even spoke against a man looking lustfully at a women (or engaging in lustful thoughts). It certainly would extend to a man having lustful thoughts about another man, if indeed such an idea would have occurred to a Jewish man brought up under the Law of Moses. (The reference to the work, The Golden Ass, carries little weight, since it deals with things that most Christians would find abhorrent, and by itself does not represent a marker for understanding the meaning that Jews would have put on Jesus' words.)

Furthermore, it is difficult to sustain the argument for a special reading of Jesus' statement about a man being "born a eunuch," as made above. There is no single word here, the expression comes from the sentence, where the subject is the same word for "eunuchs" used elsewhere, and the verb is a ordinary (passive) verb meaning, "they were born." The most likely meaning would be those who were unable to have sex because of a physical problem. While it could possibly cover those who were not attracted to women, this also seems an unlikely idea in a Jewish context, but quite likely in a Greek context like that of Clement.

Nevertheless, Jesus' meaning here is quite clear: some men will remain unmarried (and not engage in sex) for the sake of the kingdom, but this teaching is only for those who can accept it. While Jesus knew that the sexual drive is quite strong, he honoured well intentioned and committed celibacy as well.

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10y ago

No it is not OK. Read: Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:27, 1Corinthians 6:9, 1Timothy 1:10

If you are a Christian and homosexual you should pray about this. If you go to a church ask your leaders to pray about this also. The Bible is clear about homosexuality.

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10y ago

All persons have problems with sin. Sometimes there is a constant battle with temptation to sin. Homosexuality is a sin just like adultery, fornication, murder, theft, and many other sins. The only way to be a Christian and have feelings about people of the same sex is to renounce those feelings and stop the practice of homosexuality. Just like other Christians who have sinned habitually in the past they must forsake that sin, confess it to God and not practice it anymore. The same goes for an alcoholic or a drug user. You must cease the alcohol and drugs and follow God.

I know hundreds of people who were habitual sinners in the past, but gave up their sins, confessed them to God and are following Him faithfully.

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9y ago

Gay people can be any religion, including Christian. But some churches and faiths require gay people to hide their orientation.

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15y ago

Yes he is very gay and very white.

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11y ago

Yes, they can.

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