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Q: Are Christians and Muslims supposed to date?
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Is it religious or culture that Muslims do not eat pork in other countries?

Muslims, Jews and even Christians are not supposed to eat pork as mentioned in the Quran and the Bible. Where as Muslims and Jews follow this strictly, the Christians do not, and freely eat pork although it is also prohibited for them also.

Who did Richard I sent to fight the Muslims in the crusades?

Richard I was supposed to send the knights to fight the Christians but they wouldn't take any of it.

To what does the Hostility between Christians and Muslims date back?

Hostility dates back to the Crusade wars against Muslims when Christians invaded Muslim lands on the claim of restoring holy lands. Refer to related questions below.

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What are the names of the places where Christians and Muslims go to worship?

Muslims go to Mosques and Christians go to churches.

How many Muslim teens date?

The answer is unknown. Some muslims date even though they are not supposed to

Who were the winners of the crusades?

The crows. 1st-Christians 2nd-Muslims 3rd-Christians (somewhat) 4th-Muslims (Christians fighting Christians = Muslim victory) 5th-Muslims 6th-Muslims 7th-Muslims 8th-Muslims 9th-Not much of a crusade and many don't consider it one, nothing really accomplished.

What the Muslims thought of the Christians in the crusades?

Arab Muslims as well as Arab Christians fought together the crusaders as invaders and not as Christians.

Who were the winners of each crusades?

The crows. 1st-Christians 2nd-Muslims 3rd-Christians (somewhat) 4th-Muslims (Christians fighting Christians = Muslim victory) 5th-Muslims 6th-Muslims 7th-Muslims 8th-Muslims 9th-Not much of a crusade and many don't consider it one, nothing really accomplished.

Do some people believe that Christians are really Muslim and Jesus was a messenger of Allah?

Because Islam is supposed to be the 'natural' religion, Islam teaches that all are Muslim until converted to another religion by their parents. On this view, Christians are born as Muslims but became Christians with baptism. Muslims believe that Jesus was not the Son of God, but merely a messenger of Allah.

Why do Muslim parents encourage their children not to like christians?

Muslims do not encourage their children not to like Christians. Christians and Jews are people of the book as mentioned in the Quran and the people closer to Muslims are Christians as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jews as they are people of the book. It is therefore a misconception on your part to think that Muslims are encouraged not to like Christians!

What was the situtation between the Muslims and christians during the cruesades?

there was war between Muslims and christians for holy land, Muslims dfeated everyone, and allowed non Muslims to live their.