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Only if one eats them too often. The acronyn 'Dwaf' stands for 'Dangerous when eaten frequently', so it's easy to remember not to overindulge (unless you don't speak English). Also, where I live just south of the Arctic Circle, they are not readily available and very expensive, so we only have them as arare treat. Nanook

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all frogs carry diseases...

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Q: Do African Dwarf Frogs carry diseases?
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Are African dwarf frogs venomous?

no, but they can carry diseases like salmonella, so keep your hands clean

Do African dwarf frogs carry salmonella?

i heard it at my local petstore but i dont know if its true

Can you touch an African dwarf frog?

no they just eat normal fish food i have two African dwarf frogs ^.^

Are African dwarf frogs harmful to babies?

My instinct is yes it is. Frogs and turtles often carry the salmonella virus and that could kill a baby, so to be safe I wouldn't let a baby play with either.

Can you put a goldfish and an African water frog together?

No. Goldfish are a cold water fish and African dwarf frogs are tropical. Their waters carry different bacteria and they can make each other very sick.

Are African dwarf frogs piosonous?

No they are not but like any other amphibian or reptile they can carry salmonella which is bad if you were to ingest it so after touching the frog or water the frog is in you just need to wash or disinfect your hands.

Do garden frogs have diseases?

Yes sometimes they can have the case of Izah or Samonella. That is common between eggs too. Also wellinds disease.

Do snails carry diseases?

Snails do carry diseases! African land snails can harbor and pass on Meningitis and Schistosomiasis--a parasitic disease. They also are loaded with bacteria like salmonella and e-coli.

What are some common superstitons about diseases?

One common superstition is that you get warts from toads. That is just not possible, warts come from a virus that frogs and toads never carry.

Why are African dwarf frogs aquatic?

No. For one, you have harmful oils on your skin that would irritate and harm your frog. For another, you can very easily break their bones or kill them in your attempts to hold them. For another, they don't like being held, they're wild animals. They're much more fun to watch, anyways. Yes,you can. You just have to be very careful! I have some and it is very hard to hold them because they are most likely to jump out of your hand and start hopping away and if you don't put them back in time they will die. But, you really shouldn't hold them.

Do men or women carry diseases?

Both can carry many different kinds of diseases.

What animals carry most disease?

All animals carry disease. Some carry a greater variety, some only carry a few, some carry potentially fatal diseases, some only carry somethnig that'll give you muscle cramps & a slight fever.