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Hinduism is a religion, not a person. Hinduism and Judaism are two completely separate religions with Jews belonging to Judaism.

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Q: Are Hinduism considered Jews
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How did Hinduism develop as a region?

indian leaders were considered to be gods and they were astablished to be hinduism.

Who is the creator deity in Hinduism?

There are two deities in Hinduism who are considered the creator; Prajapati and Brahma.

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SIKHISM is commonly considered to be a blend of Islam and Hinduism.

Can you marry intercast?

Yes, we can.. but nowadays.. it is not considered good.. but according to Hinduism ( not modern hinduism), we can marry anyone!!

What Hinduism goddess is considered the mother of creation?

the cow

What do you call a religion that has lots of gods?

Hinduism is considered polytheistic (many gods).

What deity was Krishna the avatar of?

Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism, and is considered in some monotheistic traditions as an avatar of Vishnu.

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

What is the holy writing of hinduism?

The holy writings of Hinduism are known as the Vedas, which are a collection of ancient texts that contain hymns, prayers, rituals, and philosophical teachings. They are considered to be divinely revealed and are considered the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism.

What is the main religion in Jerusalem israel today?

i believe there are three 1.muslim 2.jews 3.hinduism

Is the cow a sacred animal for jews?

No. The cow is the sacred animal in Hinduism, not Judaism.

Are both Hinduism and Buddhism considered as mythological religions?

Hiduism and Buddhism are considered as belief systems with human scriptures.