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There are Jews in most countries of the world. Notable exceptions are Saudi Arabia and North Korea, which claim to have no Jews.

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Q: Are Jews all over the world?
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What was Jews relocation?

All over the world

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The Jews were from all over the world.

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All over the world, in their homes and in synagogues.

What is a Jewish nose?

No such.. Jews are all over the world.. we have no certain look..

How does Ireland celebrate passover?

Irish Jews celebrate Passover the same way as Jews all over the world.

Are Jews and Israel the same?

There are Jews all over the world. The one who live in Israel are Israeli Jews, like those in the U.S called American Jews.

What are Jews fighting over?

Their very survival. What else do you fight over when you have madmen that are not remotely afraid of admitting to the world that they want to kill all jews?

What country is chanuka celebrated in?

Jews celebrate Hanukkah all over the world.

What was the importance of Adolf Hiltler in World War 2?

to kill all the jews, and take over the world.

What state do they celebrate Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is celebrated by Jews in all 50 states, and all over the world.

Where was the location of Judaism?

That depends when. Before they were exiled all over the world, the Jews were in Israel.