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Q: Are MLK Malcolm x Black panthers are the same?
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Does Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr work together?

Though Malcolm X and MLK fought for the same basic causes they did so separately and in different ways. They only actually met one time during MLK's life .

Why did the black panthers party start?

I think the main reason the Black Panther party started in the USA because of growing intolerance towards the way black people were treated, especially in the 1960s when the civil rights movement had begun. Radical Black activists such as Malcolm X collaborated with the black panthers, this group wanted a separate but equal society in America, they used methods of violence and were more extreme than other black campaigners at the time, like Martin Luther King (MLK), who used means of religious and peaceful protest. The black panthers wanted the way the white society treated them to change, fast. They wanted a race war, and riots. They wanted conflicts in order to bring about peace. MLK's campaign annoyed them, they thought his peaceful protest and boycotts would only achieve slow results, the black panthers where often students who wanted a revolution and quick results for their people.

Who are malcomex?

Malcolm X was an African American that stood up against segregation back in the 50's and 60's. He's most known for his more militant approach (as opposed to MLK's peaceful and nonviolent marches), often aligning himself with Black Panthers and other radical groups.

Was Jesse Jackson a member of the black panthers?

No and he never has been. He worked with MLK in the civil rights movement and was with him when he was shot. He is now involved in several civil rights organizations. The Black Panthers aren't very active today and most are dead that were active in the 1960's.

Is MLK Jr the same as MLK?

No MLK was his Dad And MLK Jr was Martin Luther King Jr lol!

Why Malcolm X was different to MLK?

Marin Luther King believed in nonviolence. Example in his opinion if someone threw a rock at you you took it. At first Malcolm believed in black and white separation and self defence. Until he went to Mecca then he changed his opinions and went with something like Martin Luther King did.

What was the significance of Malcolm X in the emergence of Black Power?

he was significant in the emergence of black power because: he caused the setting up of black power and the black panthers this caused him to have close relations to Stokley Carmichael a member of black power he also would be associated with the black panther leader Heuy Newton , Bobby Seale and later Eldridge Cleaver he offered the younger generation of blacks a more aggresive option to Martin Luther King (for a campaigning method) he was a representitive of Elijah mohammed who ended up being given credit for what Malcolm x told about (this is before Malcolm went to mecca a place of holiness for Muslims) He was similar to Martin Luther King in that he was a very good speaker (quotes can be found at but he may have appealed more to Muslims than MLK because he was a Muslim himself (MLK was a christian) He is also very significant in that he got killed by the black Muslims (they feel he betrayed them by changing his opinions on whites at mecca) which made the media portray him very badly He may be most significant though in that he has had an effect in Americans having racial eqaulity today

Why does Malcolm x not approve of martin Luther's king jr's approach to securing civil rights?

Malcolm X didn't believe in integration because he didn't feel that Black People should go to places where they were not wanted and would be treated with hostility. He (Malcolm X) believed that Black People should be about establishing their own institutions as a free and independent people. Malcolm X was less optimistic about the promise of America than Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK believed that peaceful cohabitation with whites was possible and that unjust laws in the United States could be removed. MLK believed the United States Constitution to be proof that America had a conscious and if that conscious could be pricked than positive change could come. Malcolm X saw the words of the U.S. Constitution juxtaposed with the reality of American life for Black People as proof not of America's conscious but rather of America's hypocrisy. Both men had the same goals just different means to achieve those goals.

Why was mlk important?

Because he changed the world of black and white.

What was the name of the woman that stabbed mlk?

Isola Curry, was a mentally insane black woman. mlk was signing books at new york until she asked if he was mlk. martin said he was ( which left trouble) Isola Curry stabbed mlk with a letter opener

What did mlk do for a living?

He was a black preacher and he fought for civil rights.

What is the name of the 1st black millionaire?

MLK Martin Luther King Jr first black to win the lottery