

Malcolm X

Malcolm Little was born in Nebraska in 1925. He changed his name to Malcolm X after converting to Islam in the early 1950s. He was an advocate of "black power." Malcolm X co-authored the book 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X,' which was published after his assassination in 1965.

1,344 Questions

What does ixl mean by complete any row?

In the context of IXL, "complete any row" typically refers to finishing all the questions or tasks within a specific row or category on the platform. This means that a student should work through and answer all the questions in that particular row to demonstrate mastery of the skills or concepts covered. Completing a row indicates that the student has engaged with and successfully completed the assigned tasks within that specific learning objective or topic area.

What is Malcolm X's favorite color?

His favorite color is black or blue i am not sure but i think so that is all that the internet is saying

What sumbollically doex the X represent in x mas?

It stands for Christ, the first letter in Greek ( Chi, or X) for Christ

Success of Malcolm X?

He was killed by members of another African American group

X-linkage was discovered for the first time in?

X-linkage was first discovered by Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1910, while studying the inheritance of eye color in fruit flies. He observed that the gene for eye color was located on the X chromosome and showed a different pattern of inheritance compared to genes on the autosomes. This led to the discovery of sex-linked traits and the concept of X-linkage.

If the electronegativity difference between elements X and Y is 2.1 the bond between the elements X-Y is?

The bond between elements X and Y would be considered as polar covalent since the electronegativity difference is 2.1. In a polar covalent bond, the shared electrons are drawn more towards the more electronegative element, resulting in a partial positive charge on the less electronegative element and a partial negative charge on the more electronegative element.

What did Frederick Soddy do to become famous?

Frederick Soddy won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1921 for his work on radioactive decay and isotopes. He also proposed the concept of isotopes and their significance in understanding the behavior of elements.

In which organization Tarsier belongs to?

Tarisers are not exactly considered a monkey, more to the leamer family. Tarisers are not exactly considered a monkey, more to the leamer family. Tarisers are not exactly considered a monkey, more to the leamer family.

Why god created girl and boy?

In many religious beliefs, it is commonly understood that God created both girls and boys to reflect diversity and complementarity within humanity. Both genders are seen as equal and essential parts of the natural order. Additionally, the ability to reproduce and continue the human race is thought to be central to God's plan for creation.

What is library and its impact on society?

A library is a collection of resources and services, such as books, films, and databases, that are organized and made available to the public for borrowing or reference. Libraries play a crucial role in society by providing access to information, promoting literacy, supporting education and research, and fostering a sense of community. They serve as centers for learning, exploration, and cultural enrichment for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Does Malorie Blackman have anyone in her novel Noughts and Crosses like Malcolm x?

In my opinion, it has to be Jude since he believed that violence is the best way to make a difference. He joined the Liberation Militia and decided it would be the best way for people to understand.

Where do Malcolm and donalbain go?

Malcolm and Donalbain thought that since their father was murdered, they may be next on the list of someone who wants to take the throne. Also, they didn't really seemed shocked at their father's death and could have been mistaken as their father's murderers.

How are Malcolm X and the novel To Kill A Mockingbird related?

Both Malcolm X and the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" deal with issues of racial injustice and discrimination in the United States. While Malcolm X was a civil rights activist advocating for Black empowerment through self-defense, "To Kill a Mockingbird" explores racism in the American South through the lens of a young girl witnessing her father, Atticus Finch, defending a Black man accused of rape. Both individuals and the novel highlight the pervasive nature of racism in American society.