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Q: Are Missouri inmates tested for HIV and AIDS?
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How you know you got aids?

You will have to be tested to determine if you are infected with HIV.

If you become HIV infected will you get AIDS?

Yes, this a good known fact that you will, in fact have AIDS. Only if you don't get tested to find out you are hiv+ before it develops into AIDS. With routine hiv testing treatment can be started to prevent the development of AIDS.

After how long time a person having AIDS feels symptoms of AIDS?

A person does not have AIDS until they are diagnosed with the condiition. AIDS is a result of advanced HIV infection. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. There are no reliable symptoms that point to HIV infection. The only effective way to know your status is to get tested.

Can pelvic inflammatory disease turn into aids?

PID can't turn into HIV or AIDS. Anyone diagnosed with PID should be tested for HIV and other STDs as well. Contact your health care provider to make sure you were tested.

Can a guy be gay and not have hiv or aids?

yes. A man can be gay all his life and never contract HIV/AIDS. Most gay men I know do not have HIV. However, a person should be tested once a year for HIV if they are sexually active regardless of sexual orientation or race/social economical status. Knowledge is power! Get tested.

Magic Johnson aids?

He has tested positive for the HIV virus. This does not mean he has Aids, but the two have been shown to have a string connection. There are a few cases where the individual has tested positive and not had te virus and vice versa.

How does a person get HIV and AIDS?

By getting tested for it, it's a mind trick like a placebo effect. So whatever you do, never get tested, the test is a fraud.

What stage are you in with HIV positive to have lesions?

Lesions are symptoms of Late HIV infection. If you get KS, skin or mouth infections, you are likely to have AIDS. Everyone should get a HIV test, you might not recover from Aids, even with Meds. Why wait until you are dying before you get tested?

What is the importance of epidemiology in HIV AIDS?

The importance of studing hiv and aids The importance of studing hiv and aids

Are there vaccinations for HIV or AIDS?

There are no vaccinations for HIV or AIDS.

Who can get HIV AIDS?

anybody can get HIV and then move on to aids.

If you test negative for HIV can you still spread the virus?

No, aids can only be passed on through body fluids. IE Sperm, Saliva and also blood. How ever, to get aids from saliva you have to drink at least 9 litres of it so kissing is fine. So if your partner does not have aids you will not get it from that partner.