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Counterculture: the culture and lifestyle of those people, esp. among the young, who reject or oppose the dominant values and behavior of society. Yes and no. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and its members (commonly called Mormons) do reject some values and behaviors that are popular and dominant in our society today, but they do not reject them BECAUSE they are popular, they reject them because they believe they are not acceptable to God.

Saying someone is 'counterculture' implies that they try to be 'different' than everyone else, whereas church members are just trying to be righteous and upright individuals, whether that means they are like the dominant culture or not. Yes, they do oppose such things as premarital and extramarital sex, homosexual behavior, immodest dress, alcohol and drug use, and coffee and tobacco, which are dominant in our society today. They do not oppose these things because they are trying to 'go against the grain', but because they are morally opposed to them. If the rest of society also did not drink alcohol, Mormons would not switch to drinking it, but continue to avoid it. There is evidence of this in the fact that members of the church do not reject ALL parts of popular culture - they do drive cars, go to public school, use TV and internet, wear modern clothes, dance, listen to secular music, etc.

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This truly depends on how one defines counterculture. Latter-day Saints try to strictly follow the teachings of the church, which include abstaining from many behaviors that the world increasingly accepts as "normal." These behaviors include pre-marital sex, the drinking of coffee or alchohol, smoking, and other life-choices that most of society believe are perfectly acceptable but which the church specifically teaches against. The church emphasizes belief in the teachings and redemptive mission of Jesus Christ, fidelity in marriage, and honesty in our dealings with others.

Bear in mind that only fifty or sixty years ago, the church would have been considered quite mainstream from a social perspective. However, as societal norms have evolved and been redefined over the years, the church finds itself to be a social minority standing on the opposing side of many popular lifestyles and philosophies today.

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Q: Are Mormons classified as counterculture
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