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This is a pretty BROAD question. If the person the probationer wants to date is a "known" criminal, or is a "bad influence" or associating with this person is in violation of the probation requirements then, yes, the PO probably CAN exercise authority over who the probationer associates with. Reminder: Your PO has a LOT of authority over whether you stay free or go to jail.

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Q: Are Probation Officer allowed to say that a person isn't allowed to date?
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Does the period for probation begin on the arrest date or the conviction date?

Neither actually, Probation starts either A. the first time you make contact with your Probation Officer (Supervised) or B. when you are finally sentenced to probation (unsupervised)

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DUI probation typically starts once a person is convicted of a DUI offense. The start date can vary depending on the specific terms of the probation, but it often begins after sentencing and any required jail time or treatment programs have been completed. It's important to check with the court or your probation officer for the exact start date of your DUI probation.

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If you abscond past your maximum discharge date on probation, you may not be able to discharge from probation as you have violated the terms of your probation by absconding. It is advisable to contact your probation officer or legal counsel to discuss your situation and options.

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The first step would be to speak to her probation officer directly. Have thorough documentation for exactly how she has violated a probation order (e.g. you observed her with drug paraphernalia on this date; she had an unreported auto accident on that date; she left the children unattended for 36 hours on these dates). You can generally learn who the probation officer is by calling the court and properly identifying yourself and your ex. If the probation officer is unsupportive, take your materials to family court in order to get the custody order altered.

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They will keep looking and schedule a later Court date. Someone from the probation office will cover the case. The Court will not just forget.

How do you find out when im off probation?

The papers you received at the time you were placed on probation will contain that information. If you can't find them, contact your probation officer or the court itself for that information. ------------------------- Keep a calendar with the date in your dwelling. When the date reaches the day you marked, then and only then are you off probation.

Can a felon on probation date a convicted felon?

The answer is no because it clearly states in your condition of probation. I mean if it does not, every case is different, you can always ask your PO (parole/probation officer). the worst they can do is say no then u just do it ANYWAY HOW WILL THEY FIND OUT IF YALL DO NOT GET INTO ANY TROUBLE.

What happens if you go in on a probation violations and your top date passes while you wait for you revoke hearing?

This question cannot be answered on this venue due to lack of sufficient information. It would best be answered by contacting your Probation Officer and asking.

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In the state of Michigan, if you probation or parole fees have not been paid by your release date, you will be released from parole or probation, but the remaining balance will be turned over for collections, and regular collections procedures will begin.

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Indefinite probation means that a person is placed on probation without a specific end date. Instead, the probation continues until certain conditions are met or until the court decides otherwise. It typically lasts longer than traditional probation and requires ongoing monitoring and compliance with terms set by the court.

If you are not allowed to date the person you are in love with would you still talk to them?


Your brother was on probation and his probation officer found photos of him on the internet with a beer in his hand and said that he was breaking parol is this invasion of privacy?

No. This isn't invasion of privacy because the internet is public. This would be just like the probation officer seeing your brother walk down the street with a beer in his hand. However, your brother could challenge the parole violation on the basis that the probation officer can't prove when the photos were taken. An example... Say I'm on parole and one of the conditions of that parole is that I can't leave the state. The parole lasts from January of 2008 to December of 2008. Well, I could post photos of a trip I took to Florida 5 years ago on the internet tomorrow, 8/6/08. It doesn't mean that I was in Florida and violated my probation by leaving the state during my probation. It just means I posted pics of myself out of state during my probation. Well, this is the same thing. How can your brother's probation officer tell if the photos of him with the beer in his hand were taken while your brother is on parole? Just because the pics were posted on the internet while he's on parole doesn't mean he violated parole. The only way this argument wouldn't work is if the probation officer has some way to prove when the photos were taken. But there are only two ways to do this: 1. The probation officer knows who took the pictures and the person who took the pictures will testify that the photo was taken while your brother was on parole, or 2. There's something in the photo or on the web page where the photo is that identifies the date the photo was taken, like a date stamp from a digital camera, a blog entry that says something like, "My party on such and such a date," or there's something in the photo itself to show when the pic was taken, like a 2008 graduation party banner or something like that. So, unless the PO has some way to prove when the photo was taken, your brother can argue that the PO has no way to prove that the photo in question was taken while your brother was on parole.