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Q: Are Walmart free range chicken or caged?
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What is the difference between Free range eggs and Battery eggs?

Free range egg is when the chicken is allowed to move around in a filed and have a life. Battery eggs is when the chickens are caged and can not move around and they sometimes get infections.

What is the environmental variation between the free range chickens and the caged chickens?

free range chickens are more free to move however caged chickens are like they are I prison and can hardly move

What are free-range eggs?

The yolk of a free range egg is normally darker orange in color. Much more tastier than a poor caged bird. If you buy from a local farmer then they will be able to tell you how their chickens are kept. Eggs from the supermarket come from commercially raised chickens. The USDA has no regulations on what constitutes are free range egg. Therefore a non-free range chicken can have free range eggs. And a commercially raised free range chicken is usually not free range.

Is the chicken from KFC free range or caged?

The chickens that KFC use are not caged. The chickens used by KFC are called broilers and broilers are not raised in cages at all. They are certainly not free range either. Broiler chickens are kept in barns which are massively overcrowded, polluted with their own excrement and the chickens are pumped full of growth hormones which causes all sorts of health problems. They may as well be in cages.

When does a chicken reach sexual maturity?

It depends on how they are raised. Free range-6 months caged-about 8 months

How do you say free range in Spanish?

Free range = de granja Free-range chicken = pollo de granja

Is McDonald's meat free range?

No, KFC chicken is not free range.

What is difference in energy between caged hen eggs and free range eggs?

Caged hens are usually in one spot and are fed artificial nutrients. Free range are what you think of in a traditional hen coop where they eat what they come across as well as feed that might be given to them.

Does McDonald's use free range chicken?

Yes I eat McDonalds and Im a free range

Do free range cows live longer than caged cows?

Cows are not birds, thus they cannot be caged, they can only be stabled or confined to a corral. As far as life span is concerned, that all depends on what the culling standards are of the producer. Typically, though it is agreed that "free-range" cows do live longer than so-called "caged" or confined cows.

How much is a free range chicken?


Why should one consider buying a free range turkey?

Free range turkey ensures that the bird had better welfare when it was alive. Free range turkeys aren't farmed in cages which are often cramped. Buying free range encourages more sustainable farming, however some free range brands are not much better than caged farming.