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Q: Are a woodlouse and roly poly the same thing?
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"Poly" generally means "many" in both mathematics and English. Example in English: The "poly" in "polyester" comes from the fact that it is a polymer, a complex material made up of many smaller building blocks. Example in Math: A polygon is a shape with many sides.

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Being married to more than one person at the same time (A+ Answer)

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i have been looking for the same thing, and I've found that UC Davis and Cal Poly Pomona offer great programs that have to do with animal majors

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polygons are 2d(square), poly hedrons are 3d(cube)

What is the meaning poly in the word polygon?

Poly means "many". Polygon is "many sides" (literally "many angles")."Poly" is also used in several other words with the same meaning, like polygamy (many marriages) and polytechnic (many technical fields).

Are potato bugs the same thing as a pill bug?

They can be. Some types of woodlouse are known as pill bugs or potato bugs but there are also bugs that actually attack potato crops known as potato beetles or potato bugs. See the Related Links for more information on both types of insects.

Why is a woodlouse called a cheesybug in kent?

i dont know why it is just kent (and the north of kent to be more specific) but the reason for a number of areas of the UK to associate the woodlouse with cheese is because the woodlouse carries its eggs on the underside of its body until it hatches. this has the appearance of the smegma that can collect around the penis, belly button, or toes. it is a basic suggestion that this might be the same material. but it is not. for clarification smegma is not a cheese either, it is dead skin cells and bacteria that creates an aroma that is described as 'cheesy'

How is adding polynomials the same as subtracting polynomials?

just add the negative of the polynomial, that is the same as subtracting it. For example, x^2+2x is a poly, the negative is -x^2-2x. So if we want to subtract x^2+2x from another poly, we can add the negative instead.

Are sow bugs and woodlice the same thing?

Yes, sowbugs and woodlice are the same. The crustaceans in question (Oniscidea isopod order of arthropods) carry the common names boat-builder, carpenter or wood bug in Canada and sowbug or woodlouse in the United States of America. They receive the common names cheese-log in England and slater in Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

How many babies do roly polys have?

Between 20-30 babies but the most they can have is 50 the most, to mate they need to be the same now if it has babies check its stomach if it has white eggs on it there actually great with roly polys they all are born white and grow up to be gray they live up to 2 years tops.