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Q: Are accurate short-range earthquake predictions currently possible using modern seismic instruments Explain.?
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When did earthquakes first became predicted?

Currently earthquakes can not exactly be predicted, scientists can estimate the probability that an earthquake of a given size will affect a given location over a certain number of years, but it's still not possible to actually know if or when an earthquake will occur.China began trying to predict earthquakes in the 1970s but it was not so successful, they issued over 30 false predictions and only 2 correct ones. Japan attempted predictions around the same time which ultimately failed when an earthquake struck the city of Kobe in 1995. Several predictions were made by other countries throughout the 70-90s but almost all were entirely inaccurate.A good example of this would be the Parkfield earthquake prediction,the USGS predicted an earthquake to occur in Parkfield California between 1985 and 1993, this prediction was based upon regularly occurring earthquakes in the area in the early 1900s. These failed to occur but an earthquake did occur in that same area in 2004, showing some regularity in earthquakes, making predictions slightly more plausible.So, to date the only prediction method available is probability.

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What scale is currently used to express the magnitude of earthquake?

Richter Scale

Was the haiti earthquake preventable?

No. Currently there is no way to prevent earthquakes from occurring.

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currently: too many to count

Does Luke from the mortal instruments die in th book?

Not in the books that are currently out.

When is there going to be a earthquake in England?

Currently, there is no reliable means for predicting earthquakes, anywhere.

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The United States currently has the world's largest economy and will continue to have it according to GDP predictions.

What scale is currently used to express the magnitude of an earthquake?

Richter scale

What do you call a person that predicts an earthquake?

You would call that person lucky. The scientists who study earthquakes are known as seismologists and they say that it is currently not possible to predict when an earthquake will occur.Technically nobody as earthquake prediction is currently impossible however seismologists will produce seismological hazard assessments in an attempt to quantify the likelihood of occurrence of a seismic event of a given magnitude occurring within a given time period on a fault.Seismologist

What is the problems with japan nuclear power plants?

The problems currently being experienced are due to the combination of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami

What is the short term effects in Bangladesh Earthquake?

The short term effects in Bangladesh earthquake include destruction of property and minor causalities. There are advanced technologies currently being used to detect earthquakes before they happen.