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Yes, they are! It's just that you START with different breeds in the kennel. But as you slowly progress the game, you'll notice that you'll earn ALL dog breeds. You need an item (Firehat) to unlock the dalmation or you need the item (Jack Russel Terrier Book) to unlock a mega RARE breed Jack Russel Terrrier. Both are unlockable on ALL versions.

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Q: Are all nintendog games the same?
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What items can you get on Nintendogs dalmatian?

You can get all items that you can get in the other nintendog games

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What do you have to do to get trainer points on Nintendogs dalmatian and friends?

you get just the same as all the other nintendog games. all you have 2 do is give it lots of walks, play with it, teach it, and of course lots of love and affection everyday!

How do nintendog puppies look?

Nintendog puppies look like zombies stuffed in a blender.

What is the best version for nintendog?

I have DALMATIAN, I love it sooooooo much! I have played the other Nintendogs games, but this one is the Best! :) ps. you can't go wrong with any of the Nintendogs Games, They all are Fun!

How much money do Nintendog games cost?

it just depends on what store you go to at the game stops the new games are $30.00

Can you have more than eight Nintendogs?

The answer is no. You can only have 3 nintendogs at your house and 5 at the dog hotel. Same thing but u actually can have 16 dogs if u hav 2 nintendog games =)

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Can you connect Nintendogs Labradors and friends to Nintendogs chihuahua and friends?

Yup, you can connect it to any of the nintendog games for bark mode.

What happens when you connect 2 nintendog games?

When you connect 2 Nintendogs games, then you get to bring one of your supplies if you want to then trade with your friend. You get to play with their puppy with yours too. The same thing happens to the other person. You get to see their trainer info and they get to see yours too.

How do you get a light bulb over your nintendog's head?

When you are teaching your nintendog a trick, the light bulb will appear a few times.Hint: If you touch the light bulb with your stylus, you can move it around and even feed it to your nintendog as a treat!