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Q: Are all peoples fingerprints the same?
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Does anyone in your family have the same fingerprints?

All fingerprints are different, not even your family's, so no.

How many fingerprints are the same?

None. No one has the same fingerprints as you, and none of your fingerprints are exactly the same.

Why do peoples DNA fingerprints differ?

Because they just do.

Are fingerprints the same on all 5 fingers?


Are families fingerprints the same?

no families fingerprints are not the same

Are all peoples feet different sizes as in ones bigger wider than the other?

No. They're not like fingerprints.

What is the machine used to check peoples fingerprints?

a centrifuge is used to check peoples finger prints or a biometric

Does the same finger have the same print?

No, just the opposite, we all have a different set of fingerprints.

Are genetic fingerprints and DNA fingerprints the same?

yes they mean the same thing.

Do you have the same fingerprints for all fingers?

No, each finger has its own print.

Are fingerprints really the same?

No one's fingerprints are alike.

Do fraternal twins have the same fingerprints?

No, fraternal twins do not have the same fingerprints, because everyone no matter what has different fingerprints. not even twins.