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Category C drugs like C-3s and C-4s are probably being used in this pandemic as people become more and more stressed and prone to needing medicine treatment for anxiety. The aches and pains are probably being treated with NSAIDS (anti-inflammatory drugs), which will also reduce fever, except aspirin in children is contraindicated due to the potential for Reyes Syndrome. Any stronger pain medications like codeine, or other opioids (narcotics) may not be used since they can suppress respirations and perhaps make it more difficult to clear lungs of secretions and sputum. For the same reason, cough medications that are expectorants, instead of suppressants, would be a first choice. In extreme cases, codeine cough medications may be necessary for an unrelenting cough, however. Treatment is not synonymous with cure...just measures to make patients feel better and endure the disease.

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Q: Are any category C medication being used for the treatment of swine flu H1N1 S-OIV?
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The treatment is usually the same where ever the infection is found and this treatment has been being provided across the world, with guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO). See related question below for information about the treatment for swine flu (H1N1/09 influenza).

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There are a few antibiotics known to cure swine flu Tony silveti however has been living with swine flu for 12 years

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"Swine & Pine" is slang for Hawaiin pizza. Swine being the pig in Canadian bacon and Pine being short for pineapple.

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Hog or Swine. (hog being a male pig, swine being female)

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Swine flu is, like all strains of influenza and the common cold, viral. The main treatment for swine flu is the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

When and where were the first cases of Swine Flu in 2012?

The numbers and locations of swine flu infections are no longer being tracked and reported separately from other flu-like illnesses now that the pandemic has been declared over. Few tests to determine the exact strain of flu are still being done since the treatment is typically the same for swine (H1N1/09) flu as for any type of flu virus.

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If they have the swine flu at the time, Yes.

What dosage of banamine or bute can be safely given to a pet pot bellied pig?

The recommended dosage of Banamine for any type of swine is 50 mg per ml. This medication is for intramuscular use in swine.

What is up with swine?

Since the question is in the swine flu category, the answer initially will address that as in: "What is up with swine flu?". The answer is in the related question section below in the question "What is the current situation with the H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu?" On the lighter side: If you mean "What is up with pigs?", then usually it is their cute little curly tails that they wag just like a dog does.

How do you get rid of swine flew?

buy a medication for you and take it every day and coff with your hand on your mouth and pick your nose endlessly

Do antiviral drugs prevent Swine Flu?

Antiviral drugs can be used to treat swine flu or to prevent infection with swine flu viruses.They must be prescribed by a health care professional.They work against influenza viruses -- but will not help treat or prevent symptoms caused by infection from other viruses that can cause symptoms similar to the flu.The CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses.Recommendations for using antiviral drugs for treatment or prevention of swine influenza will change as we learn more about this new virus.

After you had the Swine Flu do you still have germs of the Swine Flu in you?

Yes, but they are slowly being killed off by your immune system if you are otherwise healthy.