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Yes they are legal if you have a valid prescription from a licensed medical physician.

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Q: Are any opiate based narcotic pain medications legal in Jamaica?
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What is in propoxyphen?

Propoxyphen is the generic name for Darvocet, an synthetic opiate-based narcotic, most commonly used in the treatment of pain.

Does methadone wean you off morphine?

Yes, Morphine is an opiate. Methadone is used to prevent withdrawal and is much easier to stop using than drugs like herion, pain pills, & narcotics, which morphine is (an opiate based narcotic).

Causes of pinpoint pupils?

Bright light (as one natural reason). Opiate based drugs and medications can cause pinpoint pupils.

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Oil-based estrogen medications are called depot medications.

What is the definition of narcotic?

Initially, the term narcotic referred to any psychoactive substance capable of inducing sleep. In the US, the term became particularly associated with opium and all the medications derived from opium. That would include morphine, heroin, codeine, and hydrocodone. The legal definition of narcotic may include nearly any substance that is classified as an illegal drug. In short, the most commonly used definition for narcotic in modern terms is any opioid-based painkiller.

What are Opioid Medications?

Opioids are drugs developed from processed or synthesized opium that comes from the poppy flower. Today, mixed-opioids are popular because they are less addicting. One of them is the well-known Oxycodoneand it is a semi-synthetic opioid narcotic that is an analgesic generally used for relief of moderate to severe pain.

What pain medication will break through methadone 190mgs?

Well, no opiate-based pain medication will. Because methadone is an opiate, and because 190mg's is so much, there is no way any other opiate will be able to get through to the opioid receptors with that much methadone. You will have to take something for pain that is not opiate-based.

What are exempt narcotics?

"EXEMPT NARCOTICS" is a term is used to generally describe those Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications, that contain low-level dosages of narcotic and narcotic-type drugs. They are dispensed without prescription but the purchaser MUST sign a register in order to receive delivery of them (e.g.- Paregoric, or codeine-based cough syrup).

Can you become addicted to legal drugs?

Yes, especially if they are opiate based.

Are very many medications alcohol based?

looking for alcohol base medications.