

Are bananas seeds

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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NO when you dry a banana you can see the seeds and plant them.

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Q: Are bananas seeds
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What is a reason why bananas are not grown by seeds?

The way I understand it, it's because it simply won't work. Bananas have small things that look like seeds, and which perhaps were seeds in the remote past, but bananas are not capable of reproducing from those remnants of seeds.

Do bananas have any seeds?

Yes. All fruits have seeds.

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Does banana's have seeds in them?

All bananas have seeds. The seeds from the fruit of wild banana trees are relatively large and hard, and those of cultivated bananas are soft and much smaller.

Does bananas have seeds?

Well, a banana does have seeds but they are not viable. When you eat a banana, you will notice some black spots in the centre, these are the seeds of the banana. A banana plant reproduces with it's stem and not it's seeds because they are too small.

What is the difference between wild bananas and the ones you buy?

Wild Bananas have huge seeds in them - they are considered non edible. Commercial Bananas are either seedless or have small seeds in them and they are sterile (Cannot reproduce)

How do bananas grow if they do not have seeds?

The produce shoots from the root. Two shoots are generally allowed at any one time

Why are bananas fruits?

All fruits, including bananas, produce seeds within their skin.

Did bananas used to have seeds?

bananas have seeds. they're those small black/brown dots that you see along the core section of it.

What is bananas classified as?

Bananas are a fruit, there seeds are so small though, that some of them cant be seen by the human eye. there also so small, that there safe to eat (unlike apple seeds, watermelon seeds, avocado seeds, and more).

Why are bananas consired a fruit?

Bananas are fruits because the seeds are contained within the skin/flesh

What fruit has seeds in it?

There aren't any fruits without seeds. If it didn't have seeds, it wouldn't be a fruit. You might think bananas don't have seeds but they have seeds.