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When taken at the same time, every day, as directed, yes. But, for a lot of people life gets in the way. You drop one down the sink, or run late and take it two hours late or have the flu and throw one up or have to take antibiotics (which makes the pill ineffective for that whole month!) With the shot it is four times a year and you just go see the doctor and get it done. No remembering at all. However a lot of women put on more weight or find that they feel moodier or just not as good when using the shot instead of the pill. There are a lot of options including patches, rings, impanted, shots, pills and IUDs. Most of these use hormones to control your ovulation. No egg = no baby. Talk to your doctor about which one will work best for you, personally. But, no pill, patch or shot can protect you from HIV, herpes or a host of other things (you can get a shot to protect you from two strains of Hepatitis AND now you can get vaccinated against the strain of HPV that causes Cervical cancer. Call your doctor tomorrow!) So get your blood checked and be certain that your partner has a clean, recent, blood test and always always always always use a condom (married couples can ignore the condom rule but not the blood test one.)

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Q: Are birth control pills as effective as the shot?
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Do stool softeners make the birth control pills or shot less effective?

No stool softeners don't effect hormonal birth control.

Is birth control a drug?

Birth control pills, patch, ring, shot, and Mirena IUD contain medications.

What is the purpose of a birth control shot?

The birth control shot is a very effective form of birth control. The hormone progesterone in the birth control shot works by preventing ovulation. The shot is given in the arm or the buttocks every three months. There is a chance of pregnancy if you wait over three months for your next shot.

Can you get pregnant if you switched from taking the shot to birth control pills but no longer take the birth control pills?

It is possible to get pregnant when changing birth control pills. If you have not been on birth control for at least 2 months, you should use a back-up method, such as condoms, for the first week of starting your new birth control, to avoid putting yourself at risk of pregnancy.

Is the birth control patch as effective as Depo-Provera?

No, the patch is less effective than the shot.

Would a unborn child die if you took several birth control pills?

no, because birth control (in any method: pills, ring, patch, shot, implant) is meant to CONTROL birth BEFORE it happens. they are useless after you're already pregnant.

I want to gain weight what brand of birth control pills should I use?

the depo makes you gain wait but its a shot

Is it safer to switch from the birth control pill to the shot than to just start on the shot solely by itself?

It is definitely safer to switch from the birth control to the shot, as you have protection throughout. If a woman on the birth control pill gets a Depo Provera injection, she will have immediate protection against pregnancy. If a woman not on birth control pills gets a Depo Provera injection, she may have a delay in protection, depending on where she was in her menstrual cycle.

Is it safe to have intercourse without protection after getting the birth control shot and not get pregnant?

No birth control is 100% effective, and there is always the risk of sexually transmitted disease. With that in mind, you have to decide what is 'safe' for you.

Does certain birth controls make you gain weight?

Yes. There are several forms of birth control where patients have reported weight gain. Some pills and the depo shot for example.

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That shot is just evil with all the crap it can do to your body. How it effects each person is different though. It is possible to get pregnant on it or so I've seen on this tv show about people who were pregnant and didn't know it. One of them was on Depo Provera birth control shot and got pregnant. However, MOST people who get this shot DON"T get pregnant and MOST NEVER get pregnant EVER even when they want to because this shot can seriously just mess you up. I know because I am on it and I will not even go through the lists of health problems and issues I now have because of it, but one of them is that it is very possible that I may never have another baby EVER. I just had my first back in the summer and my husband and I were hoping for more within the next year or two and now because of this shot...That may never happen. If I were you...just be happy if you get pregnant, especially if you still can after you can get this shot OUT of your system..which I encourage anyone on this to NEVER go back for another dose..

Which is stronger the pill or the shot?

The birth control pill and shot can't be compared in terms of "strength," as they contain different ingredients. The shot is more effective as it's harder to goof up.