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One answer: There Are No Records That Can Say What Color The First People Live on This Planet. But If You Look At Genesis In The KJV Bible Then You Will See That The Names Of "The First People" Are Adam And Eve Which I Say They Sound Like White Names But We Can Never Be Sure Of What Color They Were.

One answer: It is believed by many that the original human inhabitants of Earth were, indeed, black and that they started in the continent of Africa.

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No, the first humans are believed to have originated in Africa, but the concept of race as we know it today did not exist in ancient times. All humans share a common ancestry, and different populations have migrated and mixed throughout history.

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Q: Are black people original inhabitants of Earth?
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China first know inhabitants?

The first known inhabitants of China were hominids who lived around 2 million years ago. The earliest modern humans in the region appeared around 40,000 years ago, with evidence of well-developed cultures and societies dating back to around 5000 BC.

Are we all black people?

Not everyone is Black, however there are several areas in the world with people who are darker skinned.SIDE NOTES:Not all Black people are desendants of Africa.

Are harari people black?

of course they are black, let them go to North America or elsewhere and see if they are treated as black or not. they have been living on that land since the 13th century and are proud black people. but who cares if they are black or not, they are the most peaceful and loving people on this planet, and it doesn't matter if they are black or white, they are human race.

Are black people descendent's of slaves?

While many black people in the United States are descendants of enslaved individuals brought from Africa, it is important to note that not all black individuals are descendants of slaves. Black people have diverse backgrounds and ancestries, including those who immigrated to the US at different points in history or are from countries in Africa, the Caribbean, or other regions.

How do Irish people have black hair?

Irish people can have black hair due to genetic variation. The presence of certain genes in the Irish population can result in individuals having black hair. Additionally, intermixing with people from other regions throughout history can also contribute to the diversity of hair colors within the Irish population.

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Are there black people in Australia?

Yes. Australia's original inhabitants, the indigenous people, are known as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

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black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black peoplev black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people ^LOL! The real answer is "Earth's outer iron core".

Why do some French people appear to be black?

Because they are black. There are black people in virtually every country on earth.

How did the black hole form and could it kill us from where it is?

Black holes form when a supernovae collapses into itself, whereby the mass of the supernovae is at least 3x that of our sun. The closest (known) black hole to Earth is 1600 light years away - so it is by no means anywhere close enough to cause Earth (or Earth's inhabitants) any problems.

Who taught Eratosthenes?

All greeks knowledge was stolen from the Black people of the earth. The original egyptians, which the people that lived in what they call egypt today which is called Kemit. Kemit means the land of the dark or burnt skin people

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Were the fist people on earth black or white?

black people were the first if I'm not mistaken and came from Africa.

Which place on earth has the most black people?


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The reaction would produce so much energy a black hole would form swallowing the earth and its inhabitants.

What are the possible source of earths magnetic field?

black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black peoplev black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black peoplevv black people black people black people black people black people black people black people black people ^LOL! The real answer is "Earth's outer iron core".