

Best Answer
Dude, really!?The answer is....Yes!

In the unwritten law of Duh, if you want to keep your significant other, your one and only, then they better be the only person you have in mind on Valentine's Day.

-Otherwise they aren't really that significant.... and you're just plain mean.

If you don't want your boyfriend or girlfriend to be your Valentine, then you shouldn't want them as your boyfriend or Girlfriend either- It's that simple. Do them a favor and break up with them, even if it's on Valentine's Day...

See the links below for the related questions:

How do you dump your girlfriend nicely on Valentine's Day?

What do you do if you were dumped by your boyfriend 1 day before Valentine's Day?

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Q: Are boyfriends and girlfriends automatically considered each other's Valentines on Valentine's Day?
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