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Yes, brain cancer can spread from other tumors in the body to the skull. They can also crowd out normal cells and spread to other locations in the body. This can be fatal or life threatening because of the pressure the tumor puts on the brain.

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Q: Are brain tumors life threatening
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What Tumors normally do not threaten the life of the host?

the answer is benign tumors which are not life threatening to the host

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What are Primary brain tumors?

The most common primary brain tumors include gliomas such as astrocytomas, ependymomas, and oligodendrogliomas

What is a tumor that is not life-threatening and non recurring?

Benign tumors are non-malignant (non-cancerous) growths that are not life threatening and do not spread to non-adjacent tissues.

Is a lesion like a tumor?

A lesion on the brain is just an injury or a disease. Some lesions are harmless or life threatening. I have a brain tumor(lesion) on the frontal lobe of my brain, its the size of a pea. If it grows I'll need surgery to remove it. A tumor is a disease on the brain which may cause some type of cancer. These tumors that cause cancer are life threatening to people. People that have leukimia (cancer) sometimes have problems with their blood. Sometimes people can help it but they cough up blood from the cancer that they have. Hope this helped!

What are the types of Brain Tumors?

Primary brain tumors can be benign or cancer.Usually, benign tumors are often removed, and that they seldom grow back.Benign brain tumors usually have a clear border or edge. Cells from benign growths rarely invade tissues around them.They don't spread to other parts of the body.Benign tumors can continue sensitive areas of the brain and cause serious health problems.Unlike benign tumors are sometimes life-threatening.Benign brain tumors may become turn into cancer.Malignant brain tumors contain cancer cells:Malignant brain tumors are generally more serious and sometimes are a threat to life.They are likely to grow rapidly or invade nearby healthy brain tissue.Cancer cells may break free from the malignant brain cancer and spread to other parts of the brain or to the medulla spinal.

Do Malignant brain tumors have borders?

Malignant brain tumors do not have distinct borders

Which part of the brain sends impulses to the automatic nervous system during life threatening emergencies?

The brain's hypothalamus is known to have evolved in humans to enable them to cope with sudden life-threatening emergencies.

When can an acoustic neuroma become life-threatening?

tumor can be life threatening if it becomes large enough to press against and interfere with the functioning of the brain

Does radiation cause brain tumors?

It is possible. Studies have shown that workers who are regularly exposed to radiation are much more likely to develop brain tumors later in life. However this is not the only factor and it is not really known for certain what causes most brain tumors.

What are the four common classes of malignant tumors?

The four classes of malignant tumors go by the name of carcinoma, lymphoma, sarcomas, and melanomas. It is a potentially life-threatening mass of cancerous cells.

Is metastatic SOL's in brain is same as brain cancer?

Metastatic SOL's or tumors found in the brain are same as brain cancer. Metastatic tumors are one of the most common type of tumors found in the brain.