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No, not in the least. All WikiAnswers Supervisors have the same influence in every category. Category Supervisors usually spend more time in their respective categories, but are in no way restricted to where they can contribute.

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Q: Are category Supervisors restricted to supervising only their categories on WikiAnswers?
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Either is good. If you are very knowlegable in certain caegories, then you may consider being a category supervisor. If you knowledge falls into a bunch of categories or you don't want to be tied down to watching certain categories, you may want to become a floating supervisor. Note that category supervisors are not restricted to just their own categories - they can still work in whatever category interests them.

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No WikiAnswers does not. We try to get to every question we can answered but Answers is ran by volunteers so it does take time to get around. Also sometimes questions are hard to understand or do not have enough information to answer.

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You may not ask for personal information on WikiAnswers, including usernames or passwords. If you do, you may be warned or even restricted from the site.

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It depends on the schools policy. This is something you'll have to research with your school and their usage policy and is not really something WikiAnswers would know.

Why should you become a member of WikiAnswers?

Members on WikiAnswers get more editing tools and abilities than guests. Members can edit existing answers, join the Community Forum, make use of discussion pages, join on-site programs and more. Guests are restricted to just asking and answering questions with no edit privileges.

Why can anybody answer questions on this site?

Simply because WikiAnswers operates under an 'open policy'. This means anyone can ask, answer, modify or delete answers. If they restricted who could answer questions, there would be no point having the site.

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In respects to certification of aircraft's airworthiness, Standard Airworthiness - utility, acrobatic, normal, transport, commuter. Under Special Airworthiness - experimental, provisional, primary, lightsport, restricted, limited.

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You cannot ask for personal help with games on WikiAnswers. You cannot provide or ask for usernames, passwords, or personal information. If you do so, you may be restricted from the site. (see related question)

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Personal activity requests are not allowed on WikiAnswers. Do not ask for or give out any personal identification, usernames, or passwords. These will be deleted and you may be restricted from WikiAnswers. In any event, only paid monthly Poptropica members can receive the Mech Pilot. Your unpaid account would be unable to access it no matter who used it.