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Although Hajj is not compulsory on children but they are allowed to go for Hajj.

Hajj is compulsory, for once in life, on the adult mindful Muslim (male or female) who can afford doing it fimancially, physically, and securely.

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Q: Are children allowed to go Hajj?
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Related questions

Can children and babies go to hajj?

Yes. It is possible.

Are unmarried Muslims allowed to perform Hajj?

Yes, unmarried Muslims are allowed to perform Hajj if they are adult, healthy (in mind and body), have enough money to cover Hajj expenses, and can travel peacefully and securely.

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no children are not alloud to go to space but children want to.

What is allowed to do with the Ihram after the Haj?

You may save it for next hajj or Umrah. You may save it to be used as your coffin. You may make dress of your children or your ownself.

Can children complete Hajj?

Yes, children can complete Hajj voluntarily and if they can afford it. However, he is obliged to perform Hajj when he becomes adult if he can afford it from the financial, health, and security aspects.

Where do Muslims go to when they go to hajj?

They Muslims to go the city of Mecca to perform Hajj. But they must go to Mina and Arafat to complete the rituals of Hajj.

Why do pilgrims go to hajj?

Hajj can only be performed at Mecca. All the pilgrim have to go to Mecca to perform Hajj.

Is it possible to give the poor the amount of money for hajj instead of going to hajj?

Yes in this case you will get double benefitshia:No. if Hajj is Vajib it is not allowed. but if Hajj is Mustahab for you, it depends on you. you can chose._____________________________________It may be possible but only if you made hajj already for one time at dear, if you don't know the answer properly so never misguide others. the answer is what I said. for sure."No. if Hajj is Vajib it is not allowed. but if Hajj is Mustahab for you, it depends on you. you can chose."

Why aren't Muslims allowed to wear jewlerry on hajj?

to show that they have left all worldly pleasures or can for go all worldy pleasures

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Can women cover face in hajj?

women are not allowed to cover their face, feet, & hands (hands not arms) in hajj or salah.

Where will they go in hajj?

Hajj happens in Mecca. The Holy Kaa'ba is there.