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they dont go to school so that is a dumb question, run a lap.

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What caused more children to spend less time working in factories?

new laws required children to attend school

Do children attend school in Mexico?

Yes they do.

What ages are children required to attend school in Idaho?

your website sucks

How did laws change regarding children under the age of 12?

They were now required to attend school more

In the Soviet Union does its government require children to attend school?

The Soviet Union no longer exists; however, when it did exist children were required to attend school. This still applies to the Russian Federation.

Why did oliver brown sue the school board of topeka?

Oliver Brown's children were not allowed to attend the nearest school in their neighborhood, but required to attend another school a mile away.

How did laws change regarding children under the age of?

They were now required to attend school more

Why is vaccines required for students to attend public school?

The reason why certain vaccinations are required for students to attend public schools are because you can contract a illness and spread it to other children.

How did laws change children under the age of 12?

They were now required to attend school more (Apex)

Did children have to go to school in the early 1900s?

Children were required to attend school back in the 1800's.Mississippi was the last state to enact a compulsory attendance law in 1917.

By law do all children have to attend school in the US?

yes all children in the U.S have to attend school.

Are you required to attend graduate school to become a pediatrician?

You need to attend Medical School.