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Q: Are children the best thieves
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Related questions

What is Saint Nicholas not the patron saint of - children or scholars or thieves?

Saint Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of children, scholars and penitent thieves as well as a number of other causes. For a complete list of his patronages, click on this link.

Is Saint Nicholas the patron saint of thieves?

No, Saint Nicholas is not the patron saint of thieves. He is the patron saint of children, sailors, and the falsely accused.

According to the narrator, what advantage do the impoverished children of irelant have?

They can become thieves.

What is the best uncharted?

uncharted 2:among thieves

How do you spell theives correctly?

One thief with ownership: thief's Multiple criminals: thieves Multiple criminals sharing ownership: thieves'

What gods of thieves are there?

There are numerous but the best known is Mercury/Hermes

What do you call a groupe of thieves?

a gang of thieves a den of thieves a skulk of thieves a band of thieves

What is the plural possessive form of thieves?

The possessive form of the plural noun thieves is thieves'.Example: The thieves' hideout was raided by the police.

Were there thieves and murderers on the Mayflower?

No. I have read the list of people on the ship and never have read that any were thieves and murderers. Many ships did hire people like that, but I don't believe that the Mayflower had any. It was a ship of families and there were children on board.

What is the plural form of thieves?

The possessive form of the plural noun thieves is thieves'.Example: The thieves' hideout was raided by the police.

What is the resolution of the alibaba and the forty thieves?

As with any good story, it is best learned by reading it, yourself.

What is the plural of thieves?

Thieves is already plural. The singular is thief.