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Usually yes. As an example, two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to form a water molecule. Since all the water molecules have the same make-up, the overall ratio is also 2:1.

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Q: Are compound made from a fixed ratio of atoms?
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What kind of particle is made of different kinds of atoms?

Molecule and compound comprises of different atoms. Atoms are combined in fixed ratio.

Give reason water is a compound and not a mixture?

A compound is defined by a substance in which the elements that it is made of are in a fixed ratio. In this case the ratio between the hydrogen and oxygen in 2:1. A mixture is a substance in which the elements that make it are not in a fixed ratio

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one to three

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What is the ratio of calcium and oxygen atoms fro a binary compound made up of two of these elements?

Calcium oxide, CaO: the ratio is 1.

What is made up of 2 different atoms in a fixed ratio?

A type of chemical molecule; ex.: water - H2O.

If matter is made up of two or more elements and has the same ratio of atoms no matter the amount of the substance it is an?

If matter is made up of two or more elements and has the same ratio of atoms no matter the amount of the substance it is a compound.

What are the matter made up of two or more types of atoms combined chemically?

Oxygen. H2O. Two Hydrogen, one oxygen. - - - - - A vast number of matter is like that...air is the most common example.

Scinece Matter Compounds and mixtures?

matter is anything made of atoms and occupiesspace (volume) and has mass. an element is a pure substance made up of only one kind of atoms. a compound is also a pure substance made up of two or more elements in a fixed ratio. a mixture is an impure substance made up of elements and compounds in an indefinite proportion.

What is the ratio of atoms in carbon dixide?

A chemical formula shows the elements in the compound and the ratio of atoms. For example, the chemicals formula for carbon dioxide is CO2 . In the carbon dioxide, there are always two oxygen atoms to every one carbon atom.

Is butane a chemical compound?

Yes, a compound is two or more elements chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio. Butane is a hydrocarbon, made up of only hydrogen and carbon, and so is a compound.