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Copyright laws attempt to create a balance between individual rights and the public good by creating exclusive rights, but providing numerous exceptions to them. The intent of the law is good; it is in the interpretation that problems can occur.

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Related questions

Can copyright laws be repealed?

Yes, they just tend not to be.

Is the internet subject to copyright laws?

Materials on the internet are protected by copyright, just as their analog counterparts.

How are copyright laws made?

Copyright laws come into being just as any other law: legislation is introduced, reviewed in committee (in this case the Judiciary committee), and then brought to the whole body for a vote.

What does a copywright lawyer do?

A copyright lawyer it a layer who specializes in copyright laws and intellectual property laws. They handle cases concerning copyright infrsingement.

What laws prevent people from claiming the word of others as their own?

Plagarism or copyright Laws!

Drugs that have copyright protection?

Drugs and other pharmaceuticals are protected under the patent laws not under the copyright laws.

Are you supposed to follow copyright laws when using information from public websites?

Yes, if you do not want to be sued, you must ALWAYS follow copyright laws. Just because you found something in public doesn't necessarily make it "yours".

What is the law that protects someones copyright called?

Yes, they do.If you're asking what those laws are called, it's usually one of copyright, patent, or trademark.

When does an individual break copyright laws?

Copying, altering, distributing, or performing/displaying a work for which you are not the copyright holder, and for which you do not have permission from the rightsholder or an exemption in the law, is a violation of copyright laws.

What kinds of music would be affected by copyright laws?

Everything written or recorded since 1923 is affected by copyright laws.

What are some laws that begin with the letter c?

copyright laws

Does California have copyright laws?

Copyright is a federal law which would be valid in California.