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No, daddy long leg Spiders don't even make the top ten list of most poisonous animals.

Most poisonous is a difficult thing to define actually. It can mean several things: most toxic, most venom produced, perhaps even the highest death count can determine what is most poisonous.

Here's a top ten list of most poisonous animals and what lands them on the list:

  1. Box Jelly Fish - There have been 5,567 recorded deaths due to box jelly fish stings since 1954. Box jelly toxins is a blood, blister, and neuro-toxin, and there is no known antidote. The only treatment is washing with vinegar within minutes of being stung.
  2. King Cobra - Ophiophagus hannah is capable of injecting five times more venom than any other venomous snake. (Highest volume venom production)
  3. Marble Cone Snail - Perhpas the single most venomous animal on the planet, a single milligram of marble cone venom is powerful enough to kill 20 adult humans. There have been only about 30 reported deaths due to marble cone poisoning though.
  4. Blue-Ringed Octopus - blue-ringed octopus venom is similar to that of the marble cone snail, with similar properties.
  5. Death-Stalker Scorpion - venom from the death-stalker, while deadly, is not likely to kill a healthy adult human. It does however cause systemic wide pain, coma, seizures, and in children and those with other conditions death.
  6. Stonefish - stonefish are commonly believed to be the most venous fish. No know anti-venom exists for stonefish stings, and the pain it causes is considered to be the worst known pain.
  7. Brazilian Wandering Spider - the Brazilian wandering spider or banana spider was identified in 2007 as having the most potent venom of all spiders. While it is not likely to kill a human, it causes intense pain, tissue death, and priapism.
  8. Inland Taipan - the inland Taipan is the most toxic snake in the world. A single bite contains enough venom to kill approximately 100 humans, however there are no known deaths due to Taipan bites.
  9. Yellow Poison Dart Frog - Phyllobates terribilis is the most toxic variety of the poison dart frogs. One microgram is enough to kill an adult human, and simple contact with the skin of the frog is enough to deliver the toxin.
  10. Puffer Fish - puffer fish or fugu is the second most toxic animal on earth. there is no known antidote for puffer fish venom, and there were an average of 32 deaths a year from fugu poisoning between 1996 and 2006.
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12y ago
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12y ago

No, this harmless creature is definitely not the most poisonous in the world. There are three types of daddy long legs, in which 2/3 don't have any venom at all. The third has venom, but an insignificant amount. It cannot penetrate the human flesh.

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14y ago

They are very venomous to smaller insects. But their fangs are too fragile to pierce large animals skins. They are harmless to humans.

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Daddy long legs are not poisonous

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Are daddy-long-legs poisonous?

You may think that this long-legged insect is poisonous, however they truly are not.

Are daddy long legs poisonous to humans?

Not to humans. They prey on insects, and have a weak toxin that affects small insects, but is harmless to humans.daddy long legs are not poisonous.

What two animals are closely related to a spider?

Scorpion and Daddy long-legs. The Daddy long-legs isn't actually a spider.

Are all three species of Daddy Long legs non poisonous?

According to research at the University of California, there is no evidence that any daddy long-legs spiders are venomous to humans.

Is the daddy long legs even poisonous?

yes,it is but, its so small it can't kill us.

Are daddy long legs mosquitoes?

No. Daddy long legs are not mosquitoes. Daddy long legs are arachnids (spiders) and although they are in fact quite poisenous, daddy long legs are harmless because their mouths are too small to bite. Daddy longlegs are not mosquitos, neither are they arachnids (spider) they are actually called Crane Flies, they are not poisonous. Their young, which live in the soil and feed on the roots of grasses and plants are called Leather Jackets.

Is the daddy long legs spider harmful?

actually they are the most poisonous spider in the world but their fangs are too small to bite a human being so the answer is a no. Daddy long legs are not poisonous. they're teeth aren't hollow, and they have no venom.

What do daddy long leg spiders eat?

Daddy long legs eat small insects, dead animals, and plant juices.

Is a daddy long leg poisonest?

No a daddy long legs is not poisonous however it is it venomous (not a lot though).Nor is a daddy long legs actually a spider.Confusion often arises because the name "daddy long-legs" is also applied to two distantly related arthropod groups: the harvest-men (which are arachnids but not spiders) and crane flies (which are insects).Read more: pholcidae

If daddy long legs had fangs would they be poison?

They do have fangs and are poisonous, but harmless to humans.