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Q: Are discouraged workers considered as part of the work force?
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Related questions

What workers are not counted as being part of the civilian labor force?

Anyone who is not classified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

What is considered part of the labor force?

a person who has lost a job but is looking for one

What people is considered part is the labor force?

a person who has lost a job but is looking for one

What factors make it difficult to determine unemployment rates?

Part-time employment is one factor that makes it difficult to determine the unemployment rate. Another factor is discouraged workers, which describes people who can work, but have stopped looking for a job.

What are the people called that disarm bombs?

Members of the "bomb squad" disable bombs. Usually, these workers are police officers who have additional training with explosives and how to disarm a wide variety of devices. One team members might also work with a "bomb sniffing dog" and the dog is considered part of the police force also, even though a canine, just like other police dogs are part of the force.

Who is considered a part of labor force?

a person who lost a job but looking for a new one (by Solomon Zelman)

What people is considered part of the labor force?

The Related Link below breaks down the work force by many factors.

Are homemakers considered unemployed?

Even though the homemaker is employed as a family unit, they are not part of the recognized work force, per se, and therefor are not part of the database of unemployed.

Who takes part on the may day celebration of the international workers day?


Are Ford workers in an auto union?

Yes, Ford workers are part of the United auto workers union. This union ensures the workers have rights.


workers that are highly skilled but in low paying jobs, part time workers

How did using interchangeable parts change the make up of the labor force in the early 1800?

Interchangeable parts meant that you could have many inexperienced workers each making a part of the whole machine.