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Dry fruits are something that might increase ur 'x' vitamin, and if that helps in your hair growth, hands to it. But usually some health tonics/syrups/capsules/tablets are prescribed to get better hair growth.

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Q: Are dry fruits helpful in growth of hair?
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There is no such chemical or product that promotes the growth of hair, the chemical that changes the natural pigment can be known as hair color. The only truth to hair growth is blood flow & stimulation of the scalp, this is the only known cause. Some examples are as follows: *Massaging the scalp. Stimulation, such as brushing or combing the hair. As far as chemicals, they are used to change the natural state of hair, and also can be very damaging if not applied correctly. *Products are helpful to hair that is damaged or dry. Deep conditioners applied with heat are also very helpful with reconstruction of the hair, and end result hair that is healthy will grow faster. :)

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Fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc. do. yes, dry fruits also contain acid

Is eucalyptus oil useful for hair?

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What if you are black but you natural curly hair what to use to make it grow?

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Does oil make hair grow?

It depends what oil you use! Yes, there are oils that are beneficial for hair growth. Oils provide moisture to hair and scalp, moisture is very important to keep dry hair from breaking and shedding. Examples: Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, to name a few. There are fast hair growth oils, that contain carrier oils such as jojoba, coconut, PLUS vitamins and sulfur, which is excellent for hair growth!

Why were swimming hats invented?

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What happens if black people wash their hair everyday?

Your hair will dry out and start to break off. Black hair makes its own oils needed for proper growth you should wash black hair every one to two weeks.

Can you get vitamin b12 from dry fruits?

Yes , Dry fruits are a great source of energy and a good companion for travel. On the other hand fruits are rich in B group vitamins, minerals and fiber . So, here we have a compiled a list of vitamin b12 rich fruits, vegetables, and dry fruits so that you can enjoy the benefits of them.

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A hairdryer is a device to dry your hair with! A hairdryer is a device to dry your hair with!