

Are ear mites deadly

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Ear mites are not deadly by themselves. However, they can cause an infection in your pets that could be deadly if left untreated.

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Q: Are ear mites deadly
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Related questions

How do you get rid of ear mites in humans?

humans do not get ear mites only animals do.

Are ear mites related to dust mites?


How long are ear mites contagious?

once treatment is started are ear mites still contagious

Where do ear mites in dogs come from?

No. Ear mites only choose cats/dogs as their hosts. Off of the host, they will die after 12 hours.

How do you get rid of mites in human?

humans do not get ear mites only animals do.

Can humans gets ear mites and if so how do you get rid of them?

Yes humans can get ear mites, just as animals can, though it isn't common. Treatment includes the use of a special medication which was formulated for use on ear mites.

Will baby oil or vegetable oil rid ear mites?

baby oil is safe for dog ear mites or feline mites but you must wipe the ears out in between applications.

Why do rabbits have brown ears?

they get brown ear when they are infected with ear mites

If a rabbit's inside ear is flaky is anything wrong with it?

If a bunny's ear is flaky then that might be a sign of ear mites. If a bunny has ear mites the ear will often be matted. Go to a local vet that treats rabbits to get the best results.

Why are a cats ears itchy?

Cats do this occasionally but you should check that it does not have ear mites, black in the ear, if it does take it to the vet

How do indoor kittens who have had no contact with other animals get ear mites?

My first guess would be that the mother possibly had ear mites but they went undetected prior to giving birth. I have had cats with ear mites who were asymptomatic for long periods before being diagnosed.

How can you tell ear mites or if it is wax in my cats ears?

Cats can get ear mites from other cats who have them, or plants that have ear mites on it. But most cats who get ear mites are usually outdoor cats. Other cats can give your cat ear mites because the those little annoying buggers are very contagious. Or if you have a cat and they play around plants, they could catch it if that plant had ear mites on it.