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Are electronics dumped in landfills dangerous to people's health?

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Q: Are electronics dumped in landfills dangerous to people's health?
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What are three other items that should not be placed in trash and dumped in landfills?

Tires, electronics, and dead animals

Why landfills are coming upfast near large cities?

the large wastes generated is dumped into landfills. the landfills are growing into large size and are coming up fast near large cities.

Place where garbage is hauled and buried?

Landfills, usually, though solid human waste goes to a sewerage system.

Where does all the dump go in Qatar?

The garbage gets taken to a garbage ship and dumped into the ocean or Put into landfills to fill big holes

How can industrial activity cause land pollution?

Humans have dumped many trash wastes into landfills. Some people litter on the ground too.

What happens when all the trash goes to landfills?

It gets dumped in the ocean most frequently. Sometimes it's burned. The burning is pretty cool, you should watch it some time. Fire!

How do you decrease land and water pollution?

Runoff from overuse of chemical fertilisers in agriculture could be stopped.Paint and chemicals dumped in unlined (and so unsafe) landfills could be stopped.Illegal dumping (which is usually of unsafe materials) could be stopped.Littering (which is mostly just visual pollution) could be stopped.

What are positive effects of a landfill?

landfills can be good because if we didnt have landfills there would be garbage all over our world.We need landfills to put all the garbage in. Landfills can be bad because it can polute the air. the landfills put nitrogen in the ground and that isn't good.

Why should nuclear waste be dumped in the desert?

It shouldn't. The exportation of toxic and dangerous substances to a foreign land is illegal under international law.

What does dumped mean in spanish?

The Spanish word "dumped" can be translated as "abandonado" or "dejado".

What is Tagalog of dumped?

The Tagalog word for "dumped" is "iwan" or "itapon."

Who dumped who Nick or Selena?

Nick dumped Selena