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It shouldn't. The exportation of toxic and dangerous substances to a foreign land is illegal under international law.

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Q: Why should nuclear waste be dumped in the desert?
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Can nuclear waste be dumped on moon?

Yeah, if u can take it on the moon.

Why should liquid waste not be dumped into the sink?

Liquid wastes should not be dumped down a sink because they can cause back-up. This liquid waste could also break pipes.

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During President Clinton's term international inspectors were not allowed to look at North Korean sites where nuclear waste was being dumped?

During President Clinton's term, international inspectors were not allowed to look at North Korean sites where nuclear waste was being dumped because the North Koreans did not want people to know what was going on. That country continues to keep much of their nuclear capability a secret from the rest of the world.

What is nuclear waste and why should it not be dumped into the sea or left exposed on land?

Nuclear waste is the spent fuel discharged from the reactor, and it is highly radioactive and would rapidly kill any person or animal exposed to it. Therefore it must always be well shielded. At first after removal from the reactor it is kept immersed in water, but after some time it can be removed into shielded containers. It would never be dumped into the sea, as the zirconium sheath material would be corroded after years and allow the dangerous material to escape.

Why should nuclear power go down?

Large startup costs and the generation of nuclear waste

Can radioactive waste be dumped into volcanoes?

This sounds a very bad idea, volcanoes erupt sometimes and would spew it out again. Even volcanoes that have not erupted for many years may do within the lifetime of the nuclear activity of the waste

Is e waste worse than nuclear waste?

nuclear waste is worst

Where is the Low-Level waste is dumped?

in the sea

What should you do with the nuclear waste products?

it has to be disposed carefully and in the right manner..

What waste is produced from nuclear power stations?

nuclear waste