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Q: Are fast twitch muscle fibers larger than slot twitch?
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What are the three types of muscle fibers?

The three type of muscle fibers are fast-twitch, slow-twitch, and hybrid.

What is the role of slow muscle fibers and fast muscle fibers in the response of a muscle to different types of exercise?

There are two broad types of voluntary muscle fibers: slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow twitch fibers contract for long periods of time but with little force while fast twitch fibers contract quickly and powerfully but fatigue very rapidly.

What are the kinds of aerobic respiration?

Slow twitch and fast twitch A muscle fibers.

What Type of Muscle Fibers are used in Badminton?

slow twitch and fast twitch

Which kind of muscle fibers contract rapidly?

fast twitch

What is the difference between fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers?

Fast twitch muscle fibers are Type II muscle fibers. These muscle fibers have high explosive power and are anaerobic. They have a fast contractile speed and can reach peak tension in 50ms. They have a high glycolytic capacity and have low to moderate resistance to fatigue. Their motor unit strength is high.Slow twitch muscle fibers are Type I muscle fibers. These muscle fibers have steady power and are aerobic. The have a slow contractile speed and needs 110ms to reach peak tension. They have a low glycolytic capacity and a high resistance to fatigue. Their motor unit strength is low.

What muscle fibers have fast contractions and a high level of glycogen stores?

fast-twitch fibers

What is the difference between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers?

ofcourse not; slow twitch muscle fibers are: * smaller in diameter * red in color * depend on oxidative phosphorylation for their ATP supply * are highly vascularized (better blood supply) * have more mitochondria * more myoglobin fast twitch muscle fibers * larger * white * glycolysis is the source of ATP * less vascularized * less mitochondria * less myoglobin

What is true about fast-twitch muscle fibers?

They contract very quickly

What type of exercise do we use Fast twitch muscle fibers?

Strength and power exercise like weight lifting requires the explosive release of energy yielded by fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch muscles are involved in endurance activity.

Fast twitch fibers are also called?

Type 2 muscle fibre.

Which muscle fibers are best suited for running a marathon?

Type I (red) muscle fibers, which have slow oxidative characteristics, are those primarily called on for long-distance running. These are more commonly referred to as 'slow-twitch' muscle fibers.